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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing E, G, 2I, M and R

BEMIRINGbemiring v. Present participle of bemire.
BEMIRE v. (archaic) to make muddy.
BERIMINGberiming v. Present participle of berime.
BERIME v. to compose in rhyme, also BERHYME.
GRIMIESTgrimiest adj. Superlative form of grimy: most grimy.
GRIMY adj. dirty, covered with grime.
GRIMOIREgrimoire n. (Occult) A book of instructions in the use of alchemy or magic, especially one containing spells for summoning demons.
GRIMOIRE n. (French) a book of magical lore.
IMAGINERimaginer n. One who imagines (something).
IMAGINER n. one who imagines.
IMPINGERimpinger n. Any of several instruments in which fine particles (dust) in a gas are analysed by blowing them through…
IMPINGER n. one that impinges.
MERITINGmeriting v. Present participle of merit.
MERIT v. to deserve.
MIGHTIERmightier adj. Comparative form of mighty: more mighty.
MIGHTY adj. full of might.
MIGRAINEmigraine n. (Pathology) A severe, disabling headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, and often accompanied…
migraine n. (Pathology) A neurological condition characterised by such headaches.
MIGRAINE n. (French) a severe headache, also MEGRIM.
MITERINGmitering v. Present participle of miter.
MITER v. (US) to join with a type of woodworking joint, also MITRE.
REMIGIALremigial adj. Relating to the remiges.
REMIGIAL adj. relating to the remiges, the large feathers of a bird's wing.
REMISINGremising v. Present participle of remise.
REMISE v. to give up a claim to.
REMIXINGremixing v. Present participle of remix.
REMIX v. to mix again.
RETIMINGretiming v. Present participle of retime.
RETIME v. to time again.
TIGERISMtigerism n. Tigerish disposition.
TIGERISM n. swagger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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