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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing E, G, H, L, N and O

BUNGHOLEbunghole n. Alternative spelling of bung-hole.
bung-hole n. A hole in a vessel, such as a cask, that may be stopped with a bung.
bung-hole n. (Vulgar, slang) The anus.
GUNKHOLEgunkhole n. (Nautical) A small cove, especially a small fishing community.
gunkhole v. (Nautical) To cruise in shallow coastal waters, spending the nights in gunkholes.
gunk-hole n. Alternative spelling of gunkhole.
HALOGENShalogens n. Plural of halogen.
HALOGEN n. any of the group of elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine.
HEADLONGheadlong adv. With the head first or down.
headlong adv. With an unrestrained forward motion.
headlong adv. Rashly; precipitately; without deliberation; in haste, hastily.
HELLOINGhelloing v. Present participle of hello.
HORNGELDhorngeld n. (Historical) A kind of tax on cattle.
HORNGELD n. a feudal rent based upon the number of horned cattle.
HOTELINGhoteling n. Alternative spelling of hotelling.
HOTELING n. (in an office where hot-desking is practised) the advance booking of a desk by an employee.
HOVELINGhoveling n. Alternative form of hovelling.
HOVEL v. to live in a wretched dwelling.
HYALOGENhyalogen n. (Biochemistry) Any of several complex mucoid polysaccharides, found in animal tissue, that are composed of hyalins.
HYALOGEN n. a substance found in animal cells.
LEGHORNSleghorns n. Plural of leghorn.
Leghorns n. Plural of Leghorn.
LEGHORN n. a kind of smooth, plaited straw.
LONGHEADLONGHEAD n. a person having a long skull.
PHLEGMONphlegmon n. A solid mass formed by inflamed connective tissue, such as forms around an appendix in appendicitis.
PHLEGMON n. an inflammation with pus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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