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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing E, 2G, N, S and U

BUGGANESBUGGANE n. (dialect) an evil spirit, a hobgoblin, also BUGGAN, BUGGIN.
GEEBUNGSgeebungs n. Plural of geebung.
GEEBUNG n. (Native Australian) an Australian tree.
GRUNGERSgrungers n. Plural of grunger.
GRUNGER n. a fan of a style of rock music and associated fashions.
GUDGEONSgudgeons n. Plural of gudgeon.
GUDGEON v. to defraud, dupe.
GUESSINGguessing n. The act of making a guess; estimate or prediction; foresight.
guessing v. Present participle of guess.
GUESSING n. the process of making guesses.
GUESTINGguesting n. An appearance as a guest on a TV show.
guesting v. Present participle of guest.
GUEST v. to appear as a visitor.
GUNGIESTgungiest adj. Superlative form of gungy: most gungy.
GUNGY adj. sticky and messy.
GUNNAGESGUNNAGE n. the total number of guns carried on a warship.
LUGEINGSLUGEING n. the act of tobogganing on a luge.
SEGUEINGsegueing v. Present participle of segue.
SEGUE v. (Italian) to proceed from one musical theme to another without pause.
SNUGGERYsnuggery n. (Now uncommon) A comfortable room or dwelling.
SNUGGERY n. a snug place e.g. in a pub, also SNUGGERIE.
SNUGGESTsnuggest adj. Superlative form of snug: most snug.
SNUG adj. cosy.
SNUGGIESsnuggies n. Plural of snuggie.
snuggies n. A type of tight-fitting knitted thermal underwear.
Snuggies n. Plural of Snuggie.
SNUGGLEDsnuggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of snuggle.
SNUGGLE v. to press closely together.
SNUGGLESsnuggles n. Plural of snuggle.
snuggles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snuggle.
SNUGGLE v. to press closely together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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