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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, F, O, S and 2T

FALSETTOfalsetto n. (Singing, uncountable) The "false" (singing) voice in any human, usually airy and lacking a purity of…
falsetto n. (Music, countable) A person who sings in falsetto.
falsetto v. To sing or utter in falsetto.
FISTNOTEfistnote n. A printed note (as in a book) preceded by a symbol in the shape of a fist with pointed index finger.
FISTNOTE n. an index mark which draws attention to part of the text.
FLETTONSflettons n. Plural of fletton.
FLETTON n. a type of brick made near Fletton in Cambridgeshire, of a mottled yellow and pink colour.
FONTLETSfontlets n. Plural of fontlet.
FONTLET n. a little font.
FOOTRESTfootrest n. A support on which to rest the feet.
foot␣rest n. A horizontal bar fixed on the bottom of a chair to provide support for the feet.
FOOTREST n. a support for the feet.
FOOTSTEPfootstep n. The mark or impression left by a foot; a track.
footstep n. (By extension) The indications or waypoints of a course or direction taken.
footstep n. The sound made by walking, running etc.
FORTLETSfortlets n. Plural of fortlet.
FORTLET n. a little fort.
FOSSETTEfossette n. A little hollow; a dimple.
fossette n. (Medicine) A small, deep-centred ulcer of the transparent cornea.
fossette n. (Dentistry) A small depression in the crown of a tooth.
FOUETTESfouettés n. Plural of fouetté.
FOUETTE n. (French) a ballet-step in which the foot makes a whiplike movement.
FRONTESTfrontest adj. (Phonetics) superlative form of front: most front.
FRONT adj. to the fore.
FUMETTOSFUMETTO n. (Italian) a cartoon or comic strip.
LEFTMOSTleftmost adj. Furthest to the left.
LEFTMOST n. the location or direction of the left side.
LOFTIESTloftiest adj. Superlative form of lofty: most lofty.
LOFTY adj. very high.
MOFETTESmofettes n. Plural of mofette.
MOFETTE n. (French) a fissure in the earth emitting carbon dioxide, also MOFFETTE.
OFTENESToftenest adv. (Dated) superlative form of often: most often.
OFTEN adv. happening many times.
OFTTIMESofttimes adv. (Chiefly US, uncommon) (elsewhere, archaic) often, frequently.
oft-times adv. (Chiefly US, uncommon) (elsewhere, archaic) Alternative form of ofttimes.
oft␣times adv. Alternative form of ofttimes.
OUTFEASToutfeast v. (Transitive) To provide with a bigger or better feast than.
OUTFEAST v. to surpass in feasting.
TOFFIESTtoffiest adj. Superlative form of toffy: most toffy.
TOFFY adj. like a toff, posh.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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