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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing E, F, 2O and 2R

FIREROOMfireroom n. (Nautical) stokehold.
FIREROOM n. a room containing a ship's boilers.
FLOORERSfloorers n. Plural of floorer.
FLOORER n. a knockdown blow; a conclusive answer or retort.
FORBORNEforborne v. Past participle of forbear.
FORBEAR v. to refrain from.
FOREGOERforegoer n. Alternative form of forgoer.
foregoer n. (Historical) A purveyor of the king, who provided for his household.
FOREGOER n. one who goes before another; a predecessor.
FOREWORDforeword n. An introductory section preceding the main text of a book or other document; a preface or introduction.
FOREWORD n. an introductory statement.
FOREWORNforeworn adj. (Archaic) worn out; wasted; used up.
FOREWORN adj. worn out, also FORWORN.
FORGOERSforgoers n. Plural of forgoer.
FORGOER n. one who forgoes.
FORSWOREforswore v. Simple past tense of foreswear.
FORSWEAR v. to deny under oath, also FORESWEAR.
OFFERORSofferors n. Plural of offeror.
OFFEROR n. one who offers, also OFFERER.
PROOFERSproofers n. Plural of proofer.
PROOFER n. one who proofs.
REPROOFSreproofs n. Plural of reproof.
REPROOF v. to make waterproof again.
REROOFEDreroofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of reroof.
REROOF v. to renew the roof.
ROOFTREErooftree n. The primary beam of a roof; the ridgepole; hence, the roof itself.
rooftree n. (Figuratively) A home; a household.
roof␣tree n. (Archaic) The ridgepole of a peaked roof, especially that of a house.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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