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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, F, L, P, R and S

EARFLAPSearflaps n. Plural of earflap.
EARFLAP n. a part of a cap that covers the ears.
FELDSPARfeldspar n. (Mineralogy) Any of a large group of rock-forming minerals that, together, make up about 60% of the…
FELDSPAR n. a common rock-forming mineral, also FELDSPATH, FELSPAR.
FELSPARSfelspars n. Plural of felspar.
FELSPAR n. a common rock-forming mineral, also FELDSPAR, FELDSPATH.
FLAPPERSflappers n. Plural of flapper.
FLAPPER n. a flighty young woman.
FLAREUPSflareups n. Plural of flareup.
flare-ups n. Plural of flare-up.
FLAREUP n. a sudden outbreak.
FLIPPERSflippers n. Plural of flipper.
FLIPPER n. a flat limb for swimming e.g. turtle or penguin.
FLOPPERSfloppers n. Plural of flopper.
FLOPPER n. something or someone that flops.
FRUMPLESfrumples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frumple.
frumples n. Plural of frumple.
FRUMPLE v. (dialect) to wrinkle.
PALFREYSpalfreys n. Plural of palfrey.
Palfreys prop.n. Plural of Palfrey.
PALFREY n. a saddle horse, esp. a light easy-gaited horse suitable for a woman.
PARAFLESparafles n. Plural of parafle.
PARAFLE n. (Scots) a pretentious display, a fuss, also PARAFFLE.
PARFLESHparflesh n. Alternative form of parfleche.
PARFLESH n. a rawhide soaked in lye and dried.
PIFFLERSpifflers n. Plural of piffler.
PIFFLER n. one who talks nonsense.
PREFILESprefiles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prefile.
PREFILE v. to file beforehand.
PRESSFULpressful n. Enough to fill a press.
PRESSFUL n. the contents of a press e.g. of oil or wine.
PROFILESprofiles n. Plural of profile.
profiles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of profile.
PROFILE v. to draw an outline of.
PURFLERSPURFLER n. something or someone that purfles.
PURSEFULpurseful n. As much as a purse can hold.
PURSEFUL n. enough to fill a purse.
SUPERFLYsuperfly n. An ostentatious, self-confident person, especially a black drug dealer.
superfly n. A fly (insect) with remarkable properties, such as resistance to insecticide.
SUPERFLY adj. showily pretentious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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