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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, F, 2L, O and R

FALDEROLfalderol n. Alternative form of folderol.
FALDEROL n. nonsense; a meaningless refrain of a song, also FALDERAL, FOLDEROL.
FALLOWERfallower n. A person or machine that fallows, a reaper or plowman.
FALLOW adj. brownish-yellow.
FELLATORfellator n. (Sexuality) One who performs fellatio.
FELLATOR n. a male who fellates.
FLORULAEFLORULA n. a fossil flower, also FLORULE.
FLORULESFLORULE n. a fossil flower, also FLORULA.
FOLDEROLfolderol n. (Uncountable) Nonsense or foolishness.
folderol n. (Countable) A decorative object of little value; a trifle or gewgaw.
folde-rol n. (Rare) Alternative form of fol-de-rol.
FOLKLOREfolklore n. The tales, legends, superstitions, and traditions of a particular ethnic population.
folklore n. (By extension) The tales, superstitions etc. of any particular group or community.
folklore n. (Mathematics, slang) The collective of proofs or techniques which are widely known among mathematicians…
FOLLOWERfollower n. (Literally) One who follows, comes after another.
follower n. Something that comes after another thing.
follower n. One who is a part of master’s physical group, such as a servant or retainer.
FORELLEDforelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of forel.
FOREL v. to bind books with a kind of parchment.
FORETELLforetell v. (Transitive, intransitive) To predict; to tell (the future) before it occurs; to prophesy.
foretell v. (Transitive) To tell (a person) of the future.
FORETELL v. to tell about in advance.
LEAFROLLleafroll n. A viral condition of certain plants, such as potato plants and grapevines, in which new leaves curl…
LEAFROLL n. a virus disease of potatoes.
LOWLIFERlowlifer n. Synonym of lowlife.
LOWLIFER n. a despicable person, also LOWLIFE.
OVERFALLoverfall n. A turbulent section of a body of water, caused by strong currents passing over submerged ridges.
overfall n. Part of a garment that hangs so as to cover a lower part.
overfall v. (Transitive) To fall on or spill over so as to cover (something).
OVERFELLoverfell v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfall.
overfell v. To fell too many trees.
OVERFALL v. to fall over.
OVERFILLoverfill v. To fill beyond capacity or beyond what is appropriate.
overfill n. An instance of overfilling.
OVERFILL v. to fill to overflowing.
OVERFULLoverfull adj. Excessively filled; full to overflowing.
overfull n. (Poker) A full house that beats someone else’s full house.
OVERFULL adj. too full.
WOFULLERwofuller adj. Comparative form of wofull: more wofull.
WOFUL adj. full of grief, also WAEFUL, WAESOME, WOESOME.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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