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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing E, F, I, 2L and O

FELLATIOfellatio n. (Sex) The stimulation of the penis (or testicles) using the mouth.
FELLATIO n. oral stimulation of the penis, also FELLATION.
FOILABLEfoilable adj. Capable of being foiled.
FOILABLE adj. able to be foiled.
FOLIOLESfolioles n. Plural of foliole.
FOLIOLE n. a small structure like a leaf.
FOLKLIFEfolklife n. Folklore; those cultural traditions passed down orally or informally.
FOLKLIFE n. the traditions and activities of a certain population.
FOLKLIKEfolklike adj. (Music) Resembling the style of folk music.
folk-like adj. Alternative spelling of folklike.
FOLKLIKE adj. having the quality of the common people e.g. of music.
FOLLICLEfollicle n. (Anatomy) A small cavity or sac, such as a hair follicle.
follicle n. (Botany) A type of primitive dry fruit produced by certain flowering plants.
FOLLICLE n. a fruit which develops from a single ovary, dries out on ripening and splits on one side only to release its fruit.
LIFEHOLDlifehold n. Land held by a life estate.
LIFEHOLD adj. of land, held by a life estate.
LIFELONGlifelong adj. Extending for the entire duration of life.
life-long adj. Alternative spelling of lifelong.
life␣long adj. Alternative spelling of lifelong.
LOFTLIKEloftlike adj. Resembling a loft.
LOFTLIKE adj. like a loft.
LOWLIFERlowlifer n. Synonym of lowlife.
LOWLIFER n. a despicable person, also LOWLIFE.
LOWLIFESlowlifes n. Plural of lowlife.
low-lifes n. Plural of low-life.
LOWLIFE n. a despicable person, also LOWLIFER.
OILFIELDoilfield n. Alternative spelling of oil field.
oil␣field n. An area under which are reserves of petroleum, especially one with productive oil wells.
OILFIELD n. an area of mineral oil production.
OVERFILLoverfill v. To fill beyond capacity or beyond what is appropriate.
overfill n. An instance of overfilling.
OVERFILL v. to fill to overflowing.
WOLFLIKEwolflike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a wolf.
WOLFLIKE adj. like a wolf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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