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There are 15 eight-letter words containing E, F, H, O, R and S

ARCHFOESarchfoes n. Plural of archfoe.
ARCHFOE n. a principal foe.
FAHLORESfahlores n. Plural of fahlore.
FAHLORE n. (German) an ore of copper, also FAHLERZ.
FIREHOSEfirehose n. Alternative spelling of fire hose.
firehose n. (Internet, neologism) Access to the social media data sold to the third parties, or such data stream.
firehose v. To wash something down with a firehose; to douse with a large amount of water (or chemical agent) sprayed…
FORESHEWforeshew v. Archaic form of foreshow.
FORESHEW v. to presage, also FORESHOW.
FORESHIPforeship n. (Obsolete) The fore part of a ship.
FORESHIP n. the front of a ship.
FORESHOWforeshow v. (Transitive, archaic) To show in advance; to foretell, predict.
foreshow v. (Transitive, obsolete) To foreshadow or prefigure.
foreshow n. (Obsolete) A manifestation in advance; a prior indication.
FORHENTSFORHENT v. to overtake, also FOREHENT.
FROTHERSfrothers n. Plural of frother.
FROTHER n. one who froths.
HORNFELShornfels n. Any of a series of contact metamorphic rocks that have been baked and indurated by the heat of intrusive…
HORNFELS n. (German) a compact type of rock composed of lime silicates.
HORSEFLYhorsefly n. Any of several medium to large flies, of the family Tabanidae, that suck the blood of mammals (not to…
horse-fly n. Alternative form of horsefly.
horse␣fly n. Alternative spelling of horsefly.
OFFSHOREoffshore adj. Moving away from the shore.
offshore adj. Located in the sea away from the coast.
offshore adj. Located in another country, especially one having beneficial tax laws or labor costs.
OVERFISHoverfish v. (Transitive, intransitive) To fish excessively, often substantially reducing over several years the…
OVERFISH v. to deplete the fish supply too much.
ROSEFISHrosefish n. Alternative form of rose fish.
rose␣fish n. A large marine food fish, Sebastes norvegicus, that lives off the North Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America.
ROSEFISH n. a large marine food fish, aka bergylt.
SERFHOODserfhood n. The role or status of a serf.
SERFHOOD n. the state of being a serf, also SERFAGE, SERFDOM, SERFSHIP.
SHROFFEDshroffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shroff.
SHROFF v. (Arabic) to test coins for authenticity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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