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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing E, F, H, I, L and R

FILCHERSfilchers n. Plural of filcher.
FILCHER n. someone who filches.
FILTHIERfilthier adj. Comparative form of filthy: more filthy.
FILTHY adj. offensively dirty.
FIREHALLfirehall n. A fire station.
fire␣hall n. (US, Canada) A fire station, typically one which operates a reception hall.
fire␣hall n. (US, Canada) Such a fire station’s reception hall.
FLASHIERflashier adj. Comparative form of flashy: more flashy.
FLASHY adj. showy, vulgar.
FLESHIERfleshier adj. Comparative form of fleshy: more fleshy.
FLESHY adj. having much flesh.
FLICHTERFLICHTER v. (Scots) to flutter and quiver.
FLINCHERflincher n. One who flinches.
FLINCHER n. one who flinches.
FLUSHIERFLUSHY adj. red-complexioned.
FORHAILEFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
HELLFIREhellfire n. (Uncountable) The fire of Hell.
hellfire n. (Uncountable) Fire produced by the Devil, or a similar supernatural creature connected to Hell.
hellfire n. (Countable) A fire that burns with unusual heat or ferocity.
SHELFIERSHELFY adj. abounding in shelves; full of dangerous shallows, also SHELVY.
WHIFFLERwhiffler n. (Obsolete) One who whiffles, or frequently changes their course or opinion.
whiffler n. (Obsolete) One who argues evasively; a trifler.
whiffler n. (Obsolete) One who plays on a whiffle; a fifer or piper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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