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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing E, F, G, I, L and T

CLEFTINGclefting n. (Medicine) The formation of a cleft lip or cleft palate.
clefting n. (Linguistics) The formation of a cleft sentence.
clefting v. Present participle of cleft.
FELTINGSfeltings n. Plural of felting.
FELTING n. felted material.
FETTLINGfettling v. Present participle of fettle.
fettling n. (Gerund, UK) Repairing; mending; sorting.
fettling n. (Gerund, UK) A mixture of ore, cinders, etc., used to line the hearth of a puddling furnace.
FILETINGfileting v. Present participle of filet.
FILET v. to cut boneless slices from, also FILLET.
FLEETINGfleeting adj. Passing quickly; of short duration.
fleeting v. Present participle of fleet.
FLEETING adj. moving swiftly, transient.
FLIGHTEDflighted adj. (Of birds) Capable of flight.
flighted adj. Having a specified number or kind of flights (Of stairs, a screw thread, etc.).
flighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of flight.
FUGLIESTfugliest adj. Superlative form of fugly: most fugly.
FUGLY adj. (offensive) very ugly.
GIFTABLEgiftable adj. That may be gifted; suitable for giving as a gift.
GIFTABLE n. something appropriate for a gift.
GIFTEDLYgiftedly adv. In a gifted manner; with talent.
GIFTED adv. GIFT, to give without charge.
GIFTLESSgiftless adj. Without a gift.
giftless adj. Ungifted, untalented.
GIFTLESS adj. being without a gift.
GULFIESTGULFY adj. full of whirlpools.
LEFTWINGleftwing n. Alternative spelling of left wing.
leftwing adj. Alternative spelling of left-wing.
left-wing adj. (Politics) Of political ideologies: favoring political, social, and economic equality.
LIFTGATEliftgate n. (Truck equipment) A hydraulic or electric platform that installs onto the rear of a vehicle and which…
liftgate n. (Automotive) A closure at the rear of a vehicle, or rear door, that can be raised to access the back of a vehicle.
LIFTGATE n. a rear panel on a station wagon that opens upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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