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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2E, 2N, R and U

ANNEXUREannexure n. (UK) The process of annexing.
annexure n. (UK) Something annexed.
annexure n. (Especially India and UK law, otherwise dated) An appendix or attachment to a document.
EBURNEANeburnean adj. Made of ivory.
eburnean adj. As white as ivory.
EBURNEAN adj. of or like ivory, also EBURNEOUS.
ENAUNTERenaunter conj. (Obsolete) lest.
ENAUNTER conj. (obsolete) lest by chance.
ENHUNGERenhunger v. (Transitive) To make hungry.
ENHUNGER v. to make hungry.
ENRAUNGEENRAUNGE v. (Spenser) to arrange; to rove over, also ENRANGE.
NEURINESneurines n. Plural of neurine.
NEURINE n. a very poisonous ptomaine formed in putrefying flesh.
NEURONESneurones n. Plural of neurone.
NEURONE n. the basic cellular unit of the nervous system, also NEURON.
RENOUNCErenounce n. (Card games) An act of renouncing.
renounce v. (Transitive) To give up, resign, surrender.
renounce v. (Transitive) To cast off, repudiate.
TUNNELERtunneler n. One who makes tunnels.
tunneler n. A device for making tunnels.
TUNNELER n. one who tunnels, also TUNNELLER.
UNDERMENundermen n. Plural of underman.
UNDERMAN n. an inferior man.
UNEARNEDunearned adj. Not earned.
UNEARNED adj. not earned.
UNEVENERunevener adj. Comparative form of uneven: more uneven.
UNEVEN adj. not even.
UNNERVEDunnerved v. Simple past tense and past participle of unnerve.
unnerved adj. Deprived of courage, strength, confidence, self-control, etc.
UNNERVE v. to deprive of courage.
UNNERVESunnerves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unnerve.
UNNERVE v. to deprive of courage.
UNREINEDunreined v. Simple past tense and past participle of unrein.
unreined adj. Without reins.
unreined adj. (Figurative) Without any restricting or limiting influence.
UNRENTEDunrented adj. Not rented.
UNRENTED adj. not rented.
UNTENDERuntender adj. Not soft; harsh.
untender adj. Lacking sympathy, heartless, not empathetic.
UNTENDER adj. not tender.
XENURINExenurine n. Any armadillo of the former genus Xenurus (now Cabassous).
XENURINE n. any armadillo of the genus Xenurus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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