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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing 2E, M, O, T and U

MOQUETTEmoquette n. A kind of fabric with a thick pile used for carpeting or to upholster seating, etc.
moquette n. An article covered in such material.
MOQUETTE n. (French) a thick piled fabric used in upholstery and carpeting.
MOUTEREDMOUTER v. to take mouter for, also MULTURE.
MOUTERERMOUTERER n. (Scots) a person who pays or receives mouter, a miller's fee for grinding corn, also MULTURER.
OUTREMERoutremer n. An area beyond the sea.
Outremer prop.n. (Historical, chiefly of France) The French Crusader States established in the Middle East after the First Crusade.
OUTREMER n. (French) the region beyond the sea.
ROUTEMENroutemen n. Plural of routeman.
ROUTEMAN n. a man who conducts business on a customary course.
TEETOTUMteetotum n. (Historical) A toy (spinning top) similar to a dreidel.
teetotum n. (Historical) A working men’s club conducted under religious influences, as an alternative to drinking in the saloon.
TEETOTUM n. (historical) a child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers, also TETOTUM.
TEMEROUStemerous adj. Obsolete form of temerarious.
TEMEROUS adj. rashly or presumptuously daring, also TEMERARIOUS.
UDOMETERudometer n. A rain gauge.
UDOMETER n. a rain gauge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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