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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2E, M, N and 2T

ABETMENTabetment n. (Chiefly law) The act of abetting or assisting in a crime, wrongdoing etc.
abetment n. Encouragement or assistance.
ABETMENT n. the act of abetting, also ABETTAL.
BATEMENTbatement n. Abatement; diminution.
BATEMENT n. reduction.
MANTELETmantelet n. Alternative form of mantlet.
MANTELET n. a mobile screen used to protect soldiers, also MANTLET.
MINETTESminettes n. Plural of minette.
MINETTE n. (French) the smallest of regular sizes of portrait photographs.
MITTENEDmittened adj. Wearing a mitten, or mittens.
MITTENED adj. wearing mittens.
NESTMATEnestmate n. One with which a nest is shared, such as a baby bird and its siblings or figuratively a child with children…
NESTMATE n. a bird sharing a nest with another.
TEGMENTAtegmenta n. Plural of tegmentum.
TEGMENTUM n. (Latin) a scale protecting a bud.
TEGUMENTtegument n. Something which covers; a covering or coating.
tegument n. (Anatomy, obsolete) A natural covering of the body or of a bodily organ; an integument.
TEGUMENT n. the natural covering of an animal or plant body.
TEMULENTtemulent adj. Intoxicated, drunk.
TEMULENT adj. pertaining to temulence.
TENEMENTtenement n. A building that is rented to multiple tenants, especially a low-rent, run-down one.
tenement n. (Law) Any form of property that is held by one person from another, rather than being owned.
tenement n. (Figurative) Dwelling; abode; habitation.
UMTEENTHumteenth adj. Alternative spelling of umpteenth.
UMTEENTH adj. denoting an indefinitely large number in a sequence, also UMPTEENTH, UMPTIETH.
VESTMENTvestment n. A robe, gown, or other article of clothing worn as an indication of office.
vestment n. Any of the special articles of clothing worn by members of the clergy etc., especially a garment worn…
vestment n. (In the plural) Clothing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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