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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2E, L, N, R and V

ENSLAVERenslaver n. One who enslaves.
ENSLAVER n. one who enslaves.
LAVENDERlavender n. Any of a group of European plants, genus, Lavandula, of the mint family.
lavender n. (Color) A pale bluish purple colour, like that of the lavender flower.
lavender n. (Film, historical, uncountable) A kind of film stock for creating positive prints from negatives as…
LEAVENERleavener n. Any agent that promotes leavening.
LEAVENER n. one who leavens, has a tempering influence.
LEVANTERlevanter n. An Easterly wind that blows from the Mediterranean, through the straits of Gibraltar to the Atlantic.
levanter n. One who levants, or absconds to avoid paying a debt.
LEVANTER n. a boisterous Mediterranean easterly wind.
LEVERINGlevering v. Present participle of lever.
Levering prop.n. A surname.
LEVER v. to prise open.
LIVENERSliveners n. Plural of livener.
LIVENER n. one who livens.
NERVELETnervelet n. A little nerve, or nervule.
NERVELET n. a little nerve.
NERVULESnervules n. Plural of nervule.
NERVULE n. a vascular ridge on a leaf, also NERVURE.
OVERLENDoverlend v. To lend too much.
OVERLEND v. to lend too much.
OVERLENToverlent v. Simple past tense and past participle of overlend.
OVERLEND v. to lend too much.
RELEVANTrelevant adj. Related, connected, or pertinent to a topic.
relevant adj. Not out of date; current.
RELEVANT adj. pertaining to the matter at hand.
REPLEVINreplevin n. (Law) An action to recover personal property unlawfully taken, especially that seized by way of distraint;…
replevin v. (Transitive) To replevy.
REPLEVIN v. to regain possession by legal action, also REPLEVY.
REVELINGreveling v. Present participle of revel.
reveling n. A revel.
REVEL v. to engage in noisy merrymaking.
REVENUALrevenual adj. Of or relating to revenue.
REVENUAL adj. relating to revenue.
SNIVELERsniveler n. One who snivels.
sniveler n. (Derogatory) A person who whines and complains about small matters.
SNIVELER n. one who snivels, also SNIVELLER.
UNVEILERunveiler n. One who unveils something.
UNVEILER n. one who removes a veil.
VENEREALvenereal adj. Of or relating to the genitals or sexual intercourse.
venereal adj. Of a disease: sexually transmitted; of or relating to, or adapted to the cure of, a venereal disease.
venereal adj. (Astrology, obsolete) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Venus; lascivious, lustful.
VERNACLEvernacle n. (Obsolete) A veronica (image of Jesus).
VERNACLE n. a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face, also VERNICLE, VERONICA.
VERNICLEvernicle n. (Obsolete) A veronica (image of Jesus).
VERNICLE n. a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face, also VERNACLE, VERONICA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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