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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2E, L, N, P and T

ANTELOPEantelope n. Any of several African mammals of the family Bovidae distinguished by hollow horns, which, unlike deer…
antelope n. (US) The pronghorn, Antilocapra americana.
antelope n. (Archaic, mythology) A fierce legendary creature said to live on the banks of the Euphrates, having…
CENTUPLEcentuple adj. Hundredfold. Multiplied by one hundred.
centuple v. (Intransitive) To increase a hundredfold.
centuple v. (Transitive) To increase or multiply something by a hundred.
ELEPHANTelephant n. A mammal of the order Proboscidea, having a trunk, and two large ivory tusks jutting from the upper jaw.
elephant n. (In particular) Any member of the subfamily Elephantinae not also of the genera Mammuthus and Primelephas.
elephant n. (Figuratively) Anything huge and ponderous.
ENDPLATEendplate n. (Anatomy) A modified muscle fibre in the form of a flattened discoid at a neuromuscular junction.
ENDPLATE n. a type of nerve terminal.
PANETELApanetela n. Alternative form of panatela (“type of cigar”).
PANETELA n. (Spanish) a long thin cigar, also PANATELA, PANATELLA, PANETELLA.
PENLITESpenlites n. Plural of penlite.
PENLITE n. a small torch, also PENLIGHT.
PENTACLEpentacle n. A flat talisman, almost always star-shaped, made of parchment, sheet metal, or other substance, marked…
pentacle n. (Wicca) A pentagram, or a disk with a pentagram on it, especially one that is used for magical or mystical purposes.
pentacle n. (Wicca) A circumscribed pentagram.
PETALINEpetaline adj. (Botany) Pertaining to a petal; attached to, or resembling, a petal.
PETALINE adj. of or like a petal, also PETALOID.
PETRONELpetronel n. (Obsolete, weaponry) A short but large-caliber, heavy 16th and 17th-century firearm that used a matchlock…
PETRONEL n. a sort of hand cannon, or portable firearm, used in France in the 15th century.
PHENETOLphenetol n. (Chemistry) The ethyl ether of phenol, obtained as an aromatic liquid, C6H5.O.C2H5.
PHENETOL n. the ethyl ether of phenol, obtained as an aromatic liquid, also PHENETOLE.
PLATEMENplatemen n. Plural of plateman.
PLATEMAN n. someone who is in charge of the silver-plate.
PLENTIESplenties n. Plural of plenty.
PLENTY n. an abundant amount.
POLYTENEpolytene adj. (Molecular biology) Having very large chromosomes with many chromatids (arms).
polytene n. (Molecular biology) A very large chromosome with many chromatids (arms); a chromosome exhibiting polyteny.
POLYTENE adj. having chromosomes of a certain type.
TAPELINEtapeline n. (US) A line of lightweight plastic put up around a crime scene to restrict access to the police.
tapeline n. (Rare, US) A tape measure.
TAPELINE n. a tape for measuring distances.
TENTPOLEtentpole n. One of the poles used to hold up a tent.
tentpole n. (US, attributive, figurative, film, television, theater) A large-scale entertainment production that…
tentpole v. (Broadcasting) To schedule a popular programme between two newer or less popular ones in the hope that…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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