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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2E, L, M, T and U

BLUESTEMbluestem n. (US) Any of various grasses having bluish stems, including little bluestem and big bluestem.
BLUESTEM n. a kind of prairie grass.
ELECTRUMelectrum n. (Obsolete) Amber.
electrum n. An alloy of gold and silver, used by the ancients; now specifically a natural alloy with between 20…
electrum n. German silver plate.
EMULATEDemulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of emulate.
EMULATE v. to strive to equal or excel; to imitate, also AEMULE, EMULE.
EMULATESemulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emulate.
EMULATE v. to strive to equal or excel; to imitate, also AEMULE, EMULE.
EMULGENTemulgent adj. Of a straining or purifying process.
emulgent adj. (Medicine) Of the renal arteries and veins.
emulgent n. (Medicine) A substance promoting bile or urine production.
LUXMETERluxmeter n. (Photography) A light meter.
LUXMETER n. an instrument for measuring illumination.
MALEMUTEmalemute n. Alternative form of malamute.
MALEMUTE n. (Inuit) an Alaskan sled dog, also MALAMUTE, MALEMIUT.
MIQUELETmiquelet n. (Military) An irregular or partisan soldier; a bandit.
MIQUELET n. (French) an irregular or partisan soldier; a bandit.
MULETEERmuleteer n. A mule driver.
MULETEER n. a mule-driver.
MURRELETmurrelet n. Any of several species of small seabirds, in the genera Brachyramphus and Synthliboramphus of the auk…
MURRELET n. any of several small auks of the North Pacific.
PLUMELETplumelet n. A small plume.
PLUMELET n. a small feather.
TEMULENTtemulent adj. Intoxicated, drunk.
TEMULENT adj. pertaining to temulence.
UMBELLETumbellet n. A secondary umbel in a compound umbel such as the carrot; an umbellule.
UMBELLET n. a small or partial umbel.
UNMEETLYunmeetly adv. In an unmeet way; unbecomingly.
UNMEET adv. not suitable.
UNMELTEDunmelted adj. Not melted; in a solid state.
UNMELTED adj. not melted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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