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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2E, L, M, N and O

BONEMEALbonemeal n. Alternative spelling of bone meal.
bone-meal n. Alternative spelling of bone meal.
bone␣meal n. Ground bones used as a slow-release fertilizer, especially for bulbs.
CAMELEONcameleon n. Obsolete form of chameleon.
CAMELEON n. a small African lizard with a prehensile tail and tongue, also CHAMAELEON, CHAMELEON.
EMBOLDENembolden v. (Transitive) To render (someone) bolder or more courageous.
embolden v. (Transitive) To encourage, inspire, or motivate.
embolden v. (Transitive, typography) To format text in boldface.
EMPLONGEEMPLONGE v. (Spenser) to plunge, also IMPLUNGE.
HOTELMENhotelmen n. Plural of hotelman.
HOTELMAN n. a hotel manager, also HOTELIER.
LEMONADElemonade n. (US, Canada) A flavoured beverage consisting of water, lemon, and sweetener, sometimes ice, served mainly…
lemonade n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand) A clear, usually carbonated, beverage made from lemon or artificial lemon…
lemonade n. (Slang, derogatory) Recreational drugs of poor or weak quality, especially heroin.
LEMONIERlemonier adj. Comparative form of lemony: more lemony.
LEMONY adj. tasting of lemon.
LIMONENElimonene n. (Organic chemistry) A monoterpene hydrocarbon 1-methyl-4-prop-1-en-2-yl-cyclohexene found in the essential…
LIMONENE n. a liquid terpene found in lemon, orange, and other essential oils.
LODESMENlodesmen n. Plural of lodesman.
LODESMAN n. a pilot.
LONESOMElonesome adj. Unhappy due to being alone; lonely.
lonesome n. (Informal) Oneself alone.
LONESOME adj. lonely.
MELODEONmelodeon n. (Historical, music) A type of reed organ with a single keyboard.
melodeon n. (Music) An accordion where the melody-side keyboard is limited to the notes of diatonic scales in a…
melodeon n. (Historical, US) A music hall.
MELONIERMELONY adj. like a melon.
NOBLEMENnoblemen n. Plural of nobleman.
NOBLEMAN n. a noble.
OENOMELSOENOMEL n. (Greek) an ancient Greek beverage, also OINOMEL.
PEMOLINEpemoline n. A medication used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy, having similar action to methylphenidate.
PEMOLINE n. a white crystalline powder used to stimulate the central nervous system.
SOLEMNERsolemner adj. Comparative form of solemn: more solemn.
SOLEMN adj. serious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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