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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2E, 2L, S and U

BULLSEYEbullseye n. (Military, firearms) The centre of a target, inside the inner and magpie.
bullseye n. A shot which hits the centre of a target.
bullseye n. (Darts) The two central rings on a dartboard.
CELLULEScellules n. Plural of cellule.
CELLULE n. a small cell.
CLUELESSclueless adj. Lacking knowledge or understanding; uninformed; oblivious.
clueless adj. Without any clues or hints.
CLUELESS adj. hopelessly confused or ignorant.
DUELLERSduellers n. Plural of dueller.
DUELLER n. one who duels, also DUELER, DUELIST, DUELLIST.
DUXELLESduxelles n. (Cooking) A finely chopped mixture of mushrooms, onions, shallots and herbs sautéed in butter and reduced…
DUXELLES n. (French) a mince of mushrooms, chopped shallots and herbs simmered in butter.
ECUELLESécuelles n. Plural of écuelle.
ECUELLE n. (French) a two-handled soup bowl.
ENTELLUSentellus n. A small Asian monkey (Semnopithecus entellus, syn. Presbytis entellus) having bristly hairs on the crown…
ENTELLUS n. (Latin) an East Indian long-tailed bearded monkey, remarkable for the cap-like arrangement of the hair on the head.
FUELLERSfuellers n. Plural of fueller.
FUELLER n. one who fuels, also FUELER.
JUMELLESjumelles n. Plural of jumelle.
JUMELLE n. (French) a paired or twinned article; opera-glasses.
LEVULOSElevulose n. (Biochemistry) D-fructose, the left-rotating stereoisomer of fructose.
LEVULOSE n. a form of fructose, also LAEVULOSE.
PUCELLESpucelles n. Plural of pucelle.
PUCELLE n. (obsolete) a slut; a maid or virgin, also PUSSEL, PUZEL, PUZZEL.
QUELLERSquellers n. Plural of queller.
QUELLER n. a killer; as, Jack the Giant Queller.
RULELESSruleless adj. Without rules; unregulated.
RULELESS adj. unruly, without rules, also RULESSE.
SUBLEVELsublevel n. An intermediate level between others in a mine.
sublevel n. (Physics) A subshell.
sublevel n. (Video games) A level making up part of a larger level.
SULLENERsullener adj. Comparative form of sullen: more sullen.
SULLEN adj. showing brooding ill humour.
TELLUSESTELLUS n. (Latin) the earth, esp. personified as a goddess.
UKELELESukeleles n. Plural of ukelele.
UKELELE n. (Hawaiian) a small guitar-like instrument, also UKE, UKULELE.
UKULELESukuleles n. Plural of ukulele.
ʻukuleles n. Plural of ʻukulele.
UKULELE n. (Hawaiian) a small guitar-like instrument, also UKELELE, UKE.
UNLEVELSunlevels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unlevel.
UNLEVEL v. to make uneven or no longer level.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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