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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2E, K, O, R and T

CORKTREECORKTREE n. the cork oak.
JOKESTERjokester n. A person who tells jokes; a joker.
jokester n. A person who plays practical jokes.
jokester n. Jester, court jester.
KERATOSEkeratose adj. (Medicine) Relating to or marked by keratosis; horny.
keratose n. (Biochemistry) A tough, horny animal substance found in the skeletons of sponges and other invertebrates.
KERATOSE adj. of certain sponges, having a horny skeleton.
KEYNOTERkeynoter n. A speaker who delivers the keynote speech of a conference.
keynoter n. The keynote speech itself.
KEYNOTER n. one who delivers a keynote speech.
KREASOTEkreasote n. Archaic form of creosote.
kreasote v. Archaic form of creosote.
KREASOTE v. to treat with a wood preservative, also CREOSOTE, KREOSOTE.
KREOSOTEkreosote n. Archaic form of creosote.
kreosote v. Archaic form of creosote.
KREOSOTE n. a pitch-like substance used to coat fences etc.
LORIKEETlorikeet n. Any of various small, brightly coloured parrots native to Australasia. They are usually classified in…
LORIKEET n. a kind of Australian parrot.
OVERKEPToverkept v. Simple past tense and past participle of overkeep.
OVERKEEP v. to keep too long or too much.
OVERKESToverkest adj. (Obsolete, poetic) overcast.
OVERKEST adj. (Spenser) overcast.
OVERTAKEovertake v. To pass a slower moving object or entity (on the side closest to oncoming traffic).
overtake v. (Economics) To become greater than something else.
overtake v. To occur unexpectedly; take by surprise; surprise and overcome; carry away.
POCKETERpocketer n. One who pockets something, or (figurative) appropriates money or goods.
POCKETER n. one who pockets.
RESTOKEDrestoked v. Simple past tense and past participle of restoke.
RESTOKE v. to stoke again.
RESTOKESrestokes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of restoke.
RESTOKE v. to stoke again.
ROCKETEDrocketed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rocket.
ROCKET v. to be projected by the backward jet thrust of hot gases.
ROCKETERrocketer n. (Hunting) A bird, especially a pheasant, which, being flushed, rises straight in the air like a rocket.
ROCKETER n. a bird, esp. a pheasant, which, being flushed, rises straight in the air like a rocket.
TAKEOVERtakeover n. (Economics) The purchase of one company by another; a merger without the formation of a new company…
takeover n. (Economics, UK) The acquisition of a public company whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, in…
takeover n. A time or event in which control or authority, especially over a facility is passed from one party to the next.
TELEWORKtelework v. (Computing, uncommon) To telecommute.
telework n. Remote work, telecommuting, employment as a teleworker.
TELEWORK v. to work at home communicating with the office by telephone or computer.
VOERTSEKvoertsek interj. Alternative form of voetsek.
VOERTSEK interj. (South African) offensive, expressing rejection, also VOERTSAK, VOETSAK, VOETSEK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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