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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2E, I, N, T and X

DEXTRINEdextrine n. Dated form of dextrin.
DEXTRINE n. a substance used as an adhesive, also DEXTRIN.
EKTEXINEektexine n. (Biology) Synonym of sexine.
EKTEXINE n. an outer layer of the exine, the tough outer wall of a pollen grain.
EUXENITEeuxenite n. (Mineralogy) A dark brown lustrous mineral that is a mixed oxide of cerium, erbium, titanium, uranium…
EUXENITE n. a mineral, a niobate and tantalate of yttrium and other rare earth elements and uranium.
EXERTINGexerting v. Present participle of exert.
EXERT v. to make an effort.
EXERTIONexertion n. An expenditure of physical or mental effort.
EXERTION n. the act of exerting.
EXIGEANTexigeant adj. Exigent; demanding.
EXIGEANT adj. (French) exacting.
EXIGENTSexigents n. Plural of exigent.
EXIGENT n. extremity, the last need.
EXISTENTexistent adj. Existing; having life or being, current; occurring now.
existent n. (Archaic) a being or entity that exists independently.
EXISTENT n. something that exists.
EXITANCEexitance n. (Physics) Flux (of radiation).
EXITANCE n. a measure of radiation from a surface.
GENETRIXgenetrix n. Alternative form of genitrix.
GENETRIX n. (Latin) a mother, also GENITRIX.
INEXPERTinexpert adj. Inept or unskilled; not of expert ability or quality.
inexpert n. An inept or unskilled person.
INEXPERT adj. not expert, also UNEXPERT.
INTERREXinterrex n. (History) An official in Ancient Rome who acted as single head of state during the interregnum between two consulates.
interrex n. (History) An equivalent regent from the death of a Polish king till the election and enthronement of his successor.
interrex n. (Figuratively) A similar interim ruler, CEO, etc.
INTERSEXintersex adj. (Of an individual) Having any of a variety of inherent conditions (in a species with distinct sexes)…
intersex adj. (Fantasy) A person who can get pregnant and also impregnate someone else.
intersex n. The condition of being intersex; intersexuality.
SIXTEENSsixteens n. Plural of sixteen.
SIXTEEN n. a number.
TEGUEXINteguexin n. (Zoology) A large South American lizard with yellowish spots; a gold tegu.
TEGUEXIN n. (Aztec) a large black and yellow South American lizard, also TEGU.
TELEXINGtelexing v. Present participle of telex.
TELEX v. (tradename) to send a message by a type of telegraphic system.
XENOTIMExenotime n. (Mineralogy) A yellow-brown mineral, yttrium phosphate (YPO4).
XENOTIME n. (Greek) a phosphate of yttrium occurring in yellowish-brown tetragonal crystals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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