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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2E, 2I, M and T

ENMITIESenmities n. Plural of enmity.
ENMITY n. hostility.
EREMITICeremitic adj. Characteristic of a hermit.
EREMITIC adj. of or pertaining to an eremite, also EREMITICAL.
ILMENITEilmenite n. (Mineralogy) A weakly magnetic dark gray mineral found in metamorphic and igneous rocks; it is a mixed…
ILMENITE n. a brownish-black titanium ore.
ITEMISEDitemised v. Simple past tense and past participle of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMISERitemiser n. Alternative form of itemizer.
ITEMISER n. one that itemizes, also ITEMIZER.
ITEMISESitemises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMIZEDitemized v. Simple past tense and past participle of itemize.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
ITEMIZERitemizer n. That which itemizes.
itemizer n. (US, finance) One who makes itemized deductions on a tax return.
ITEMIZER n. one that itemizes, also ITEMISER.
ITEMIZESitemizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of itemize.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
LIFETIMElifetime n. The duration of the life of someone or something.
lifetime n. (Informal, hyperbolic) A long period of time.
life-time n. Alternative spelling of lifetime.
MEIONITEmeionite n. (Mineralogy) A silicate mineral belonging to the scapolite group.
MEIONITE n. one of a group of rare minerals, a scapolite with less sodium and silica than marialite.
MELILITEmelilite n. (Mineralogy) any mineral consisting of a solid solution of gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) and akermanite (Ca…
MELILITE n. a tetragonal mineral, calcium aluminium magnesium silicate, often honey-yellow.
MELINITEmelinite n. (Mineralogy) A yellow clay mineral from Bavaria.
melinite n. An explosive containing picric acid and guncotton.
MELINITE n. a powerful explosive.
MENILITEmenilite n. (Mineralogy) An opal.
MENILITE n. a kind of opal, liver opal.
METAIRIEMetairie prop.n. An unincorporated area and census-designated place in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, United States.
METAIRIE n. (French) a piece of land cultivated under the system of metayage.
MIMETITEmimetite n. (Mineralogy) An arsenate mineral which forms in lead deposits, usually by the oxidation of galena and arsenopyrite.
MIMETITE n. an arseniate of lead, occurring in pale yellow or brownish hexagonal crystals.
MOIETIESmoieties n. Plural of moiety.
moieties n. (Obsolete) plural of moietie.
MOIETY n. a half, also MOYITY.
TIMELIERtimelier adj. Comparative form of timely: more timely.
TIMELY adj. occurring at the right moment.
TIMELINEtimeline n. A graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events (past or future); a chronology.
timeline n. A schedule of activities; a timetable.
timeline n. (Science fiction) An individual universe or reality, especially a parallel/alternate one in which events…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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