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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2E, H, R, S and U

BUSHELERbusheler n. Alternative form of busheller.
BUSHELER n. one who bushels, mends or alters clothes, also BUSHELLER, BUSHELMAN.
CHEQUERSchequers n. Plural of chequer.
Chequers prop.n. A 16th-century manor house in Buckinghamshire, England, serving as the country house of the Prime Minister…
CHEQUER v. to divide into or mark with squares, esp. of alternate colours, also CHECKER.
ENRHEUMSenrheums v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enrheum.
ENRHEUM v. (obsolete) to contract a rheum, a cold.
EUPHROESeuphroes n. Plural of euphroe.
EUPHROE n. (Dutch) the wooden block through which the lines of a crowfoot are rove, also UPHROE.
EXHUMERSexhumers n. Plural of exhumer.
EXHUMER n. someone who exhumes.
FUEHRERSfuehrers n. Plural of fuehrer.
Fuehrers prop.n. Plural of Fuehrer.
FUEHRER n. (German) a leader, also FUHRER.
HERCULEShercules n. Hercules (taxonomic epithet).
Hercules prop.n. (Roman mythology) The Roman name for the Greek divine hero Heracles, who was the son of Jupiter and…
Hercules prop.n. (Astronomy) A summer constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble the mythical hero. It lies…
HEUREKASHEUREKA n. (Greek) a brilliant discovery, also EUREKA.
HOUHERESHOUHERE n. (Maori) a small evergreen New Zealand tree.
HUSHEREDhushered v. Simple past tense and past participle of husher.
HUSHER v. to usher, escort people to heir seats.
QUEERISHqueerish adj. Somewhat queer.
QUEERISH adj. slightly queer.
REHOUSEDrehoused v. Simple past tense and past participle of rehouse.
REHOUSE v. to establish in a new housing unit.
REHOUSESrehouses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rehouse.
REHOUSE v. to establish in a new housing unit.
RHESUSESrhesuses n. Plural of rhesus.
RHESUS n. a kind of monkey.
SPHERULEspherule n. A small sphere.
SPHERULE n. a small sphere.
SUPERHETsuperhet n. Superheterodyne receiver.
SUPERHET n. a superheterodyne receiver, a type of radio receiver.
UNHEARSEUNHEARSE v. to remove from a hearse.
UNSPHEREunsphere v. To remove from a sphere, as in celestial bodies; to remove from the heavens.
UNSPHERE v. to remove from a sphere.
UPCHEERSupcheers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upcheer.
UPCHEER v. to encourage.
USHERESSusheress n. (Dated) female usher.
USHERESS n. a female usher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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