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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2E, H, O and 2R

COHERERScoherers n. Plural of coherer.
COHERER n. a device used to detect radio waves.
COSHERERcosherer n. One who coshers.
COSHERER n. someone who lives on dependants.
DEERHORNdeerhorn n. Horn from a deer.
DEERHORN n. the horn of a deer.
DEHORNERdehorner n. (Also in plural form) A device for cutting the horns off an animal’s head.
DEHORNER n. an implement for removing the horns from cattle.
DEHORTERdehorter n. (Obsolete) A dissuader; an adviser to the contrary.
DEHORTER n. a dissuader; an adviser to the contrary.
EXHORTERexhorter n. (Rare) A person who exhorts.
exhorter n. (Protestantism) A lay preacher.
EXHORTER n. one who exhorts or incites.
HECTORERhectorer n. One who hectors or bullies.
HECTORER n. one who hectors.
HEREFROMherefrom adv. (Formal) from this, from here.
herefrom adv. (Archaic) henceforth, from now on.
HEREFROM adv. from this.
HOVERERShoverers n. Plural of hoverer.
HOVERER n. that which hovers.
OVERHEARoverhear v. (Transitive, intransitive) To hear something that was not meant for one’s ears.
OVERHEAR v. to hear without the speaker's knowledge or intention.
REDHORSEredhorse n. Any of various ray-finned fish in the genus Moxostoma.
red␣horse n. (North America, slang) corned beef.
REDHORSE n. a freshwater fish.
RESHOWERRESHOWER v. to shower again.
SHOWERERshowerer n. One who showers.
SHOWERER n. one who showers.
THEREFORtherefor adv. (Now chiefly in law) For that; in return for that.
therefor adv. Obsolete spelling of therefore.
THEREFOR adv. for that.
TORCHEREtorchère n. Alternative form of torchiere.
TORCHERE n. (French) a tall ornamental candlestick or lampstand.
WHEREFORwherefor adv. (Dated) Alternative spelling of wherefore.
wherefor conj. For which.
WHEREFOR n. a reason why, also WHEREFORE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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