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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2E, H, M, R and T

COMETHERcomether n. (Dialect) Alternative form of come-hither.
COMETHER n. (dialect) wheedling, charm.
EARTHMENearthmen n. Plural of earthman.
Earthmen n. Plural of Earthman.
EARTHMAN n. a male inhabitant of the planet earth.
ERATHEMSerathems n. Plural of erathem.
ERATHEM n. the stratigraphical unit of rock strata, corresponding to a geological era.
ERETHISMerethism n. (Pathology) Abnormal excitement of a bodily organ or tissue.
erethism n. Any unusual or morbid overexcitement.
erethism n. A neurological disorder arising from mercury poisoning, leading to irritability, depression, etc.
ERYTHEMAerythema n. Abnormal redness and inflammation of the skin, due to vasodilation.
erythema n. Skin redness from sunburn or chemical irritation.
ERYTHEMA n. (Greek) a redness of the skin.
ETHERISMetherism n. (Medicine, archaic) The state of intoxication caused by ether.
ETHERISM n. addiction to ether.
GEOTHERMgeotherm n. A geoisotherm.
GEOTHERM n. a line on the earth connecting points of equal temperature.
HEMIPTERhemipter n. (Zoology) Any organism of the order Hemiptera, including cicadas, aphids, planthoppers, leafhoppers, and shield bugs.
HEMIPTER n. (Greek) one of the Hemiptera, an order of insects including bugs and cicadas, also HEMIPTERAN, HEMIPTERON.
HERMETIChermetic adj. (Chiefly capitalized, Greek mythology) Pertaining ancient Greek Olympian God Hermes.
hermetic adj. (Chiefly capitalized) Pertaining to Hermes Trismegistus or the writings attributed to him.
hermetic adj. (Chiefly capitalized) One who follows/worships Hermes.
MERCHETSmerchets n. Plural of merchet.
MERCHET n. a fine paid to a lord for the marriage of a daughter.
MITHEREDmithered v. Simple past tense and past participle of mither.
MITHER v. to confuse, stupefy, also MOIDER, MOITHER.
MOTHEREDmothered adj. Receiving the care and attention of a mother.
mothered v. Simple past tense and past participle of mother.
mothered adj. Thick, like mother (film or membrane on fermented liquids); viscid.
OHMMETERohmmeter n. (Physics) A portable device for measuring relatively small values of electrical resistance.
OHMMETER n. an instrument for measuring ohmage.
RHEOTOMErheotome n. Any instrument that interrupts an electric current.
RHEOTOME n. an instrument which periodically or otherwise interrupts an electric current.
THEOREMStheorems n. Plural of theorem.
THEOREM n. an established but not self-evident principle.
THEREMINtheremin n. An electronic musical instrument that generates sound of varying pitch and volume depending on the proximity…
THEREMIN n. an electronic musical instrument.
THERMELSthermels n. Plural of thermel.
THERMEL n. a device for temperature measurement.
THERMITEthermite n. (Chemistry) A mixture of a metal and a metal oxide capable of producing a thermite reaction, such as…
THERMITE n. a metallic mixture that produces intense heat when ignited, also THERMIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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