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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2E, H, L, N and O

ANETHOLEanethole n. (Organic chemistry) A particular aromatic compound found in anise.
ANETHOLE n. an aromatic ether which is the major constituent of certain oils, e.g. anise and fennel, also ANETHOL.
BEHOLDENbeholden adj. (Usually with ’to’) Obligated to provide, display, or do something for another; indebted, obliged.
BEHOLDEN adj. under an obligation.
CHELONESchelones n. Plural of chelone.
CHELONE n. a genus of hardy perennial flowering plants, natives of North America.
ECHELONSechelons n. Plural of echelon.
échelons n. Plural of échelon.
ECHELON v. to arrange in a steplike formation.
ENCLOTHEenclothe v. (Transitive) To cover with clothing.
ENCLOTHE v. to clothe.
ENHALOEDenhaloed v. Simple past tense and past participle of enhalo.
ENHALO v. to surround with a halo.
ENHALOESenhaloes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enhalo.
ENHALO v. to surround with a halo.
ENOPHILEenophile n. Alternative form of oenophile.
ENOPHILE n. a wine connoisseur, also OENOPHILE, OENOPHIL.
HOLOCENEHolocene adj. (Geology) Of a geologic epoch within the Neogene period from about the year 10 000 BC to the present; the age of man.
Holocene prop.n. (Geology) The Holocene epoch.
HOLOCENE adj. relating to the second and most recent epoch of the Quaternary period.
HOTELMENhotelmen n. Plural of hotelman.
HOTELMAN n. a hotel manager, also HOTELIER.
KNEEHOLEkneehole n. A space for the knees (and lower legs), especially under a desk.
KNEEHOLE n. the space beneath a desk or bureau for the knees.
NEOPHILEneophile n. A lover of new or novel things.
NEOPHILE n. one who loves novelty.
NOCHELEDNOCHEL v. to repudiate the debts of someone, also NOTCHEL.
PHENETOLphenetol n. (Chemistry) The ethyl ether of phenol, obtained as an aromatic liquid, C6H5.O.C2H5.
PHENETOL n. the ethyl ether of phenol, obtained as an aromatic liquid, also PHENETOLE.
TELETHONtelethon n. A televised fundraising event encouraging viewers to make donations via telephone.
TELETHON n. an exceptionally long television programme to raise money for a charity or cause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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