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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2E, H, I, M and N

CHIMENEAchimenea n. A Mexican outdoor oven with bulbous body and usually a vertical smoke vent or chimney.
CHIMENEA n. a freestanding fireplace for outdoor use.
HELENIUMhelenium n. Any of various flowering plants, of the genus Helenium, the dried leaves of which were once used to…
Helenium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – sneezeweeds, once used to make snuff.
HELENIUM n. a type of daisy-like flower.
HEMATEINhematein n. An oxidized derivative of haematoxylin, used in staining.
HEMATEIN n. a reddish brown or violet crystalline substance got from hematoxylin by partial oxidation, also HAEMATEIN.
HEMATINEhematine n. An artificial magnetic material, a barium-strontium ferrite, used in jewellery.
HEMATINE n. a compound of hemoglobin, also HEMATIN.
HEMIONEShemiones n. Plural of hemione.
HEMIONE n. an Asiatic wild ass, aka kiang or dziggetai, also HEMIONUS.
HEMLINEShemlines n. Plural of hemline.
HEMLINE n. the bottom edge of a garment.
HEXAMINEhexamine n. (Organic chemistry) Contraction of hexamethylenetetramine.
HEXAMINE n. a chemical compound, used as a solid fuel.
INMESHEDinmeshed v. Simple past tense and past participle of inmesh.
INMESH v. to entangle, also ENMESH, EMMESH, IMMESH.
INMESHESinmeshes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inmesh.
INMESH v. to entangle, also ENMESH, EMMESH, IMMESH.
MIJNHEERmijnheer n. Alternative form of mynheer.
MIJNHEER n. (Dutch) the Dutch equivalent of Mr. or Sir; hence, a Dutchman, also MENEER, MYNHEER.
SHIREMENshiremen n. Plural of shireman.
SHIREMAN n. a law-enforcement officer of a county, a sheriff.
THEREMINtheremin n. An electronic musical instrument that generates sound of varying pitch and volume depending on the proximity…
THEREMIN n. an electronic musical instrument.
WEIGHMENweighmen n. Plural of weighman.
WEIGHMAN n. one who weighs goods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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