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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2E, G, N and 2T

BAGNETTEBAGNETTE n. (French) a long French loaf, also BAGUETTE.
BEGOTTENbegotten v. Past participle of beget.
begotten adj. Brought into being by one’s begetter(s).
BEGET v. to cause to exist.
GENETTESgenettes n. Plural of genette.
GENETTE n. one of several species of small carnivore allied to the civets, also GENET.
GENTIESTGENTY adj. neat, trim.
GENTLESTgentlest adj. Superlative form of gentle: most gentle.
GENTLE adj. mild and refined in manners.
RINGETTEringette n. (Sports) A team sport played on ice on skates and primarily by women, the players using sticks to control…
RINGETTE n. (Canadian) a team sport played on an ice surface in which straight sticks are used to control a rubber ring.
TEETHINGteething n. (Physiology) The eruption, through the gums, of the milk teeth; dentition.
teething v. Present participle of teethe.
TEETHING n. the first growth of teeth.
TEGMENTAtegmenta n. Plural of tegmentum.
TEGMENTUM n. (Latin) a scale protecting a bud.
TEGUMENTtegument n. Something which covers; a covering or coating.
tegument n. (Anatomy, obsolete) A natural covering of the body or of a bodily organ; an integument.
TEGUMENT n. the natural covering of an animal or plant body.
TENTAGEStentages n. Plural of tentage.
TENTAGE n. a supply of tents.
TWEETINGtweeting v. Present participle of tweet.
tweeting n. A noise that tweets.
tweeting n. (Internet) The posting of tweets (microblogging messages).
VEGETANTvegetant adj. Characteristic of vegetation.
vegetant adj. (Pathology) growing, or causing growth.
VEGETANT adj. characteristic of plant life.
VIGNETTEvignette n. (Architecture) A running ornament consisting of leaves and tendrils, used in Gothic architecture.
vignette n. (Printing) A decorative design, originally representing vine branches or tendrils, at the head of a…
vignette n. (By extension) Any small borderless picture in a book, especially an engraving, photograph, or the like…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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