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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2E, G, M, N and T

AGREMENTagrement n. Obsolete form of agreement.
agrément n. (In the plural, now rare) Pleasant qualities, charms.
agrément n. (Music, in the plural) Grace notes.
BEMETINGbemeting v. Present participle of bemete.
BEMETE v. (archaic) to measure.
EMERGENTemergent adj. Emerging; coming into view or into existence; nascent; new.
emergent adj. Arising unexpectedly, especially if also calling for immediate reaction.
emergent adj. (Especially medicine) Constituting an emergency.
EMONGESTemongest prep. Obsolete form of amongst.
EMONGEST prep. (obsolete) in the midst of, also AMONG, AMONGST, EMONG, EMONGES, EMONGST, MONGST.
EMULGENTemulgent adj. Of a straining or purifying process.
emulgent adj. (Medicine) Of the renal arteries and veins.
emulgent n. (Medicine) A substance promoting bile or urine production.
GAZEMENTgazement n. (Obsolete) View, stare.
GAZEMENT n. (Spenser) a stare, look.
GEMINATEgeminate adj. Forming a pair.
geminate adj. (Phonology) Of a consonant, pronounced longer and considered as being doubled.
geminate v. To arrange in pairs.
GEMSTONEgemstone n. A gem, usually made of minerals.
GEMSTONE n. a precious or semiprecious stone, esp. one cut and polished for setting in jewellery.
MEETINGSmeetings n. Plural of meeting.
MEETING n. an assembly for a common purpose.
METERINGmetering n. The act of using a meter for measurement.
metering n. (Chiefly US) The process of marking a stamp with a meter.
metering n. (Chiefly US) The marking itself; franking. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
REGIMENTregiment n. (Military) A unit of armed troops under the command of an officer, and consisting of several smaller…
regiment n. (Now rare, archaic) Rule or governance over a person, place etc.; government, authority.
regiment n. (Obsolete) The state or office of a ruler; rulership.
SEGMENTSsegments n. Plural of segment.
segments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of segment.
SEGMENT v. to divide into sections.
STEEMINGsteeming v. Present participle of steem.
STEEM v. (archaic) to esteem.
TEGMENTAtegmenta n. Plural of tegmentum.
TEGMENTUM n. (Latin) a scale protecting a bud.
TEGUMENTtegument n. Something which covers; a covering or coating.
tegument n. (Anatomy, obsolete) A natural covering of the body or of a bodily organ; an integument.
TEGUMENT n. the natural covering of an animal or plant body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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