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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2E, G, I, L and P

BLEEPINGbleeping v. Present participle of bleep.
bleeping adj. (UK, euphemistic, slang) A generic intensifier which can be substituted for any profane intensifier.
BLEEP v. to emit a short high sound.
CLEEPINGcleeping v. Present participle of cleep.
CLEEP v. (archaic) to call, name, also CLEPE.
EPIGAEALepigaeal adj. Alternative form of epigeal.
EPIGAEAL adj. growing close to the ground, also EPIGEAL, EPIGEAN, EPIGEIC, EPIGEOUS.
EPILOGUEepilogue n. A short speech, spoken directly at the audience at the end of a play.
epilogue n. The performer who gives this speech.
epilogue n. A brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece; an afterword.
ESPIEGLEESPIEGLE adj. (French) roguish, frolicsome.
IMPLEDGEimpledge v. (Archaic) To pledge.
IMPLEDGE v. to pawn, put in pledge.
PEELINGSpeelings n. Plural of peeling.
PEELING n. a piece or strip that has been peeled off.
PERIGEALperigeal adj. Relating to the perigee.
PERIGEAL adj. relating to a perigee, the point of the moon's orbit at which it is nearest the earth, also PERIGEAN.
SLEEPINGsleeping v. Present participle of sleep.
sleeping adj. Asleep.
sleeping adj. Used for sleep; used to produce sleep.
SPEELINGspeeling v. Present participle of speel.
SPEEL v. (Scots) to climb, also SPEIL.
SPIEGELSSpiegels prop.n. Plural of Spiegel.
SPIEGEL n. (German) an iron alloy used in the Bessemer process, also SPIEGELEISEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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