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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing 2E, G, H, O and P

GEOPHONEgeophone n. (Geology) A form of microphone that detects and records seismic vibrations.
geophone n. (Music) A percussion instrument consisting of a drum filled with pellets, played by swirling it around…
GEOPHONE n. (tradename) an instrument used to pick up vibrations passing through soil, rocks or ice.
GEOPHYTEgeophyte n. (Botany) A perennial plant, for example the potato or daffodil, which in spring propagates from an underground…
GEOPHYTE n. a plant that survives the winter by having subterranean buds e.g. bulbs, corms or rhizomes.
GOPHEREDGOPHER v. to burrow, mine.
HEDGEHOPhedgehop v. (Intransitive) Of an aircraft: to fly very close to the ground, such that evasive manoeuvres need to…
hedgehop v. (Intransitive) Of birds: to move along the line of a hedge; to move by flying from one hedge, bush…
hedgehop v. (Intransitive) Of people: to run and jump over a series of hedges, fences, etc., as a pastime.
HOMEPAGEhomepage n. Alternative form of home page.
home␣page n. The main or first page of a web site or set of hyperlinked documents.
home␣page n. The page set to open in a web browser or hypertext system when it starts up, or when its home function is invoked.
HYPOGENEhypogene adj. (Geology) Formed underground, often by ascending solutions.
HYPOGENE adj. formed or occurring beneath the surface of the earth, as opposed to epigene, also HYPOGENIC.
PHOSGENEphosgene n. (Inorganic chemistry) carbonyl chloride.
PHOSGENE n. a colorless poison gas made from chlorine and carbon monoxide.
SHEEPDOGsheepdog n. A breed of dog, used for herding sheep.
sheepdog n. A breed of dog used for guarding sheep.
sheepdog n. (Slang, dated) A chaperon; an adult who accompanies other people in a supervisory role.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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