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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 3E, M, S and T

BETEEMESBETEEME v. (Spenser) to grant, vouchsafe, also BETEEM.
DEEMSTERdeemster n. (Now dialectal, Isle of Man) A judge; one who pronounces sentence or doom.
DEEMSTER n. a judge on the Isle of Man, also DEMPSTER, DOOMSMAN, DOOMSTER.
EASEMENTeasement n. (Law) An interest in land which grants the legal right to use another person’s real property (real estate)…
easement n. (Architecture) An element such as a baseboard, handrail, etc., that is curved instead of abruptly changing direction.
easement n. (Archaic) Easing; relief; assistance; support.
ELEMENTSelements n. Plural of element.
elements n. Outdoor weather, such as wind or rain.
elements n. The basic tenets of an area of knowledge, basics, fundamentals.
EMETINESEMETINE n. an alkaloid which causes vomiting, also EMETIN.
ENTREMESENTREMES n. (French) edible pastry sculpture served between main courses, also ENTREMESSE, ENTREMETS.
EREMITESeremites n. Plural of eremite.
EREMITE n. a hermit, esp. a religious recluse.
EROTEMESerotemes n. Plural of eroteme.
EROTEME n. (Greek) a rhetorical question, also EROTEMA, EROTESIS.
ESTEEMEDesteemed adj. Respected, having respect or admiration from others.
esteemed v. Simple past tense and past participle of esteem.
ESTEEM v. to have a high opinion of, also STEEM.
EXTREMESextremes n. Plural of extreme.
EXTREME n. the highest degree.
MEETNESSmeetness n. (Archaic) fitness; suitability; propriety.
MEETNESS n. suitability.
SEEDTIMEseedtime n. The time to sow seeds.
seedtime n. (Figurative) A time for new development.
SEEDTIME n. the season for sowing seeds.
SEMESTERsemester n. Half of a school year (US) or academic year such as autumn or spring semester.
semester n. A period or term of six months.
SEMESTER n. (Latin) a period of six months; esp. a term in a college or university which divides the year into two terms.
SMEETHEDsmeethed v. Simple past tense and past participle of smeeth.
SMEETH v. to make smooth.
STEELMENsteelmen n. Plural of steelman.
STEELMAN n. a worker in the steel industry.
STEREOMEstereome n. (Botany) A section of sclerenchyma at the base of a phyllary in some members of the Asteraceae.
stereome n. (Botany, obsolete) sclerenchyma.
STEREOME n. mechanical tissue in plants.
SWEETMENsweetmen n. Plural of sweetman.
SWEETMAN n. (Caribbean) a man kept by a woman.
TEEMLESSteemless adj. (Poetic) Not fruitful or prolific; barren.
TEEMLESS adj. not fruitful or prolific, barren.
TELESEMEteleseme n. (Dated) A system of apparatus for electric signals providing for automatic transmission of a number…
TELESEME n. a signalling apparatus with an indicator.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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