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There are 12 seven-letter words containing E, M, P, R, T and U

CRUMPETcrumpet n. A type of savoury cake, typically flat and round, made from batter and yeast, containing many small…
crumpet n. (Britain, slang, countable, uncountable) A person (or, collectively, persons), usually female, considered…
CRUMPET n. a small cake cooked on a griddle.
IMPUTERimputer n. One who imputes.
IMPUTER n. one who imputes.
PERMUTEpermute v. (Transitive) change the order of.
permute v. (Transitive, mathematics) make a permutation of.
PERMUTE v. to alter the order, sequence, or arrangement of, also PERMUTATE.
RESTUMPrestump v. (Australia, construction) To renew the stumps supporting a house.
RESTUMP v. (Australian) to provide (a building) with new stumps.
STUMPERstumper n. One who stumps, or speaks, or orates, as a politician.
stumper n. (Informal) A difficult puzzle or problem.
stumper n. (Archaic, slang) A boastful person.
SUMPTERsumpter n. (Historical) The driver of a packhorse.
sumpter n. (Historical) A packhorse; a beast of burden.
sumpter n. (Obsolete) A pack; a burden.
TEMPURAtempura n. A Japanese dish made by deep-frying vegetables, seafood, or other foods in a light batter.
TEMPURA n. (Japanese) a dish of vegetables and shrimp dipped in batter and deep-fried.
THUMPERthumper n. One who thumps.
thumper n. (Slang) A single-cylinder engine, especially four-stroke engines or those with large engine displacements.
thumper n. (Uncountable) A drinking game wherein players must remember personal hand signs while being distracted…
TRUMPEDtrumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of trump.
TRUMP v. to outdo.
TRUMPETtrumpet n. A musical instrument of the brass family, generally tuned to the key of B-flat; by extension, any type…
trumpet n. Someone who plays the trumpet; a trumpeter.
trumpet n. The cry of an elephant, or any similar loud cry.
TUMPIERTUMPY adj. hummocky.
UMPTIERUMPTY adj. designating an indefinitely large number, also UMPTEEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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