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There are 15 seven-letter words containing E, M, O, R, S and U

EMULSOREMULSOR n. an emulsifying apparatus.
GRUMOSEgrumose adj. (Botany) Clustered in grains at intervals; grumous.
GRUMOSE adj. consisting of clustered grains, also GRUMOUS.
MEVROUSMEVROU n. (South African) a title of respect for a woman.
MORGUESmorgues n. Plural of morgue.
MORGUE n. a place where dead bodies are kept for identification.
MORSUREmorsure n. The act of biting.
MORSURE n. (Latin) a bite.
MOUSERSmousers n. Plural of mouser.
Mousers prop.n. Plural of Mouser.
MOUSER n. a cat kept to catch mice.
MOUSERYmousery n. (Rare) A place where mice are kept and bred.
MOUSERY n. a place where mice gather.
MOUSIERmousier adj. Comparative form of mousy: more mousy.
MOUSY adj. like a mouse; timid; grey, also MOUSEY.
MOUTERSMOUTER v. to take mouter for, also MULTURE.
OESTRUMoestrum n. Alternative spelling of estrum.
OESTRUM n. (Latin) the period of heat in female mammals, also ESTRUM, ESTRUS, OESTRUS.
RAMEOUSrameous adj. (Dated) ramal; relating to a branch or branching.
RAMEOUS adj. of or pertaining to a ramus or branch, also RAMAL, RAMEAL.
SMOUSERsmouser n. Synonym of smous (“a peddler”).
SMOUSER n. (South African) a pedlar.
SUPREMOsupremo n. (Informal) The most important person in an organization.
SUPREMO n. (Spanish) a supreme head, a leader with unlimited powers.
UMBROSEumbrose adj. (Obsolete) Shady; umbrageous.
UMBROSE adj. shade-giving; dusky, also UMBROUS.
UROSOMEurosome n. (Zoology) The abdomen or postabdomen of an arthropod.
UROSOME n. the abdomen, or post-abdomen, of arthropods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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