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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing E, M, N, 2O and T

EMOTIONemotion n. (Obsolete) Movement; agitation.
emotion n. A person’s internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation…
emotion n. A reaction by a non-human organism with behavioral and physiological elements similar to a person’s response.
ENOMOTYenomoty n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A band of sworn soldiers; a division of the Spartan army ranging from twenty-five…
ENOMOTY n. (Greek) a band of sworn soldiers in the Spartan army.
FOOTMENfootmen n. Plural of footman.
FOOTMAN n. a male servant.
METOPONmetopon n. An opiate analogue, a methylated derivative of hydromorphone used as an analgesic.
METOPON n. a pain-relieving drug derived from opium.
MOMENTOmomento n. Misspelling of memento.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
MONTEROmontero n. A round Spanish cap, with flaps at the back or sides, once used by hunters.
Montero prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
MONTERO n. (Spanish) a huntsman's cap with side flaps.
MOONLETmoonlet n. (Astronomy) a very small body orbiting a planet, often as part of a planetary ring system.
MOONLET n. a small satellite.
MOONSETmoonset n. The setting of the moon below the horizon.
MOONSET n. the time when the moon disappears.
MOOTMENmootmen n. Plural of mootman.
MOOTMAN n. a law student who argues in moots.
TOOLMENTOOLMAN n. a man who works with tools.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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