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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, L, O, R and 2T

BLOTTERblotter n. A piece of blotting paper in a pad as a piece of desk furniture.
blotter n. (Law enforcement) A daily register of arrests and other events in a police station.
blotter n. A register of the related events made in the form of the list of times and brief descriptions.
BOTTLERbottler n. A person, company, or thing who bottles, especially in bulk.
bottler n. A truck used for transporting bottled goods in crates.
bottler n. (Britain, slang) A person who or group that fails to meet expectations, especially one prone to such failure.
CLOTTERclotter v. (Obsolete) To concrete into lumps; to clot.
CLOTTER v. to coagulate.
CROTTLEcrottle n. (Scotland) dye-producing lichens.
CROTTLE n. (Gaelic) a golden-brown lichen used for dyeing, also CROTAL.
DOTTLERDOTTLE adj. of tobacco, partly burnt.
DOTTRELdottrel n. Archaic form of dotterel.
DOTTREL n. a shore bird, also DOTTEREL.
FORTLETfortlet n. A little fort.
FORTLET n. a little fort.
LORETTElorette n. (Dated) A woman of low morals, especially associated with the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette district of Paris.
LORETTE n. (French) a courtesan.
LOTTERSLotters prop.n. Plural of Lotter.
LOTTER n. someone who rents or works an allotment.
LOTTERYlottery n. A scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance, especially a gaming scheme in which one or…
lottery n. (Figuratively) Something decided by chance.
lottery n. (Obsolete) Allotment; a thing allotted.
MOTTLERmottler n. A brush used to create a mottled surface by removing parts of the glaze from an object.
MOTTLER n. one who mottles.
PLOTTERplotter n. A person who plots.
plotter n. (Computing) An output device that draws graphs and other pictorial images on paper, sometimes using attached pens.
plotter n. (Navigation) An instrument used to mark or find the position of a vessel on a chart.
RETOTALretotal v. To total again.
RETOTAL v. to total again.
ROOTLETrootlet n. One of the smallest roots, hair roots.
ROOTLET n. a small root.
SETTLORsettlor n. (Law) A person who settles property on express trust for the benefit of beneficiaries.
SETTLOR n. one who makes a legal settlement.
SLOTTERslotter n. (Agent noun) Someone or something that slots (that is, makes slots).
slotter n. Filth.
slotter v. (Transitive) To make filthy; to foul.
TOLTERStolters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tolter.
TOLTER v. (dialect) to flounder about.
TOOTLERtootler n. One who tootles.
TOOTLER n. one who tootles.
TORTILEtortile adj. (Rare) Twisted, winding, contorted.
TORTILE adj. twisted.
TRIOLETtriolet n. (Poetry) An eight-line poem whose rhyme scheme is ABaAabAB and whose lines are in iambic tetrameter.
TRIOLET n. a short poem of fixed form.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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