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There are 18 seven-letter words containing E, L, N, O, S and T

ENTOILSentoils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of entoil.
ENTOIL v. to entangle or ensnare.
ETALONSetalons n. Plural of etalon.
ETALON n. (French) a device used to measure wavelengths.
LENTORSlentors n. Plural of lentor.
LENTOR n. (archaic) sluggishness, viscidity.
LENTOUSlentous adj. (Obsolete) viscid; viscous; tenacious.
LENTOUS adj. viscid.
LEPTONSleptons n. Plural of lepton.
LEPTON n. a monetary unit of Greece.
LIONETSlionets n. Plural of lionet.
LIONET n. a young lion.
LOMENTSloments n. Plural of loment.
LOMENT n. a pod that breaks in pieces at constrictions between the seeds, also LOMENTUM.
LONGESTlongest adj. Superlative form of long: most long.
longest adv. Superlative form of long: most long.
longest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of long.
LORNESTlornest adj. Superlative form of lorn: most lorn.
LORN adj. (archaic) lost, abandoned.
MELTONSmeltons n. Plural of melton.
Meltons prop.n. Plural of Melton.
MELTON n. a strong and smooth heavy woollen cloth.
NOBLESTnoblest adj. Superlative form of noble: most noble.
NOBLE adj. possessing qualities of excellence.
ONLIESTonliest adj. (Informal and dialectal) superlative form of only: most only, used to mean "only" but with added intensiveness…
ONLY adj. standing alone.
SOLVENTsolvent n. A fluid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute, resulting in a solution.
solvent n. That which resolves.
solvent adj. (Finance) Able to pay all debts as they become due, and having no more liabilities than assets.
STOLLENstollen n. A traditional German cake eaten at Christmas time, made with nuts, raisins and other dried fruits.
STOLLEN n. (German) a rich sweet German bread made with raisins etc. and coated with icing sugar.
TEFLONSTEFLON n. (tradename) a nonstick surface used in cooking utensils.
TELSONStelsons n. Plural of telson.
TELSON n. (Greek) the terminal segment of an arthropod.
TOLANEStolanes n. Plural of tolane.
TOLANE n. a white crystalline derivative of acetylene, also TOLAN.
TONLETStonlets n. Plural of tonlet.
TONLET n. a set of overlapping strips on armour skirt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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