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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, I, R, 2S and V

IVRESSEIVRESSE n. (French) drunkenness.
REVISESrevises n. Plural of revise.
revises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revise.
REVISE v. to make a new or improved version of.
SCRIVESscrives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scrive.
SCRIVE v. to write, esp. with copious fluency.
SHIVERSshivers n. Plural of shiver.
shivers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shiver.
Shivers prop.n. Plural of Shiver.
SHRIVESshrives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shrive.
SHRIVE v. to hear a confession and grant absolution, also SHRIEVE.
SILVERSsilvers n. Plural of silver.
silvers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of silver.
SILVER v. to cover with a metallic element.
SKIVERSskivers n. Plural of skiver.
Skivers prop.n. Plural of Skiver.
SKIVER v. (dialect) to skewer.
SLIVERSslivers n. Plural of sliver.
slivers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sliver.
SLIVER v. to cut into long, thin pieces.
STIVERSstivers n. Plural of stiver.
Stivers prop.n. Plural of Stiver.
STIVER n. (Dutch) a former Dutch coin, also STUIVER.
STRIVESstrives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strive.
strives n. Plural of strive.
STRIVE v. to try hard.
TREVISStreviss n. A stall for an animal.
treviss n. A bar or beam that separates animals’ stalls.
TREVISS n. a stall, also TRAVIS, TREVIS.
VERISMSverisms n. Plural of verism.
VERISM n. realism in art or literature, also VERISMO.
VERISTSverists n. Plural of verist.
VERIST n. an adherent of verism, an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
VERSINSVERSIN n. a versed sine, a trigonometric function of an angle, also VERSINE.
VIROSESviroses n. Plural of virosis.
VIROSIS n. infection with a virus.
VIRUSESviruses n. Plural of virus.
VIRUS n. (Latin) a pathogenic agent, usually a protein-coated particle of RNA or DNA, capable of increasing rapidly inside a living cell.
VISIERSvisiers n. Plural of visier.
VISIER n. (Arabic) a minister in various Muslim states, also PHEAZAR, VEZIR, VIZIER, VIZIR, WAZIR, WIZIER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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