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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing E, I, N, O and 2T

BOTTINEbottine n. A small boot; a lady’s boot.
bottine n. An appliance resembling a small boot furnished with straps, buckles, etc., used to correct or prevent…
BOTTINE n. (French) a small boot; a surgical boot for correcting deformity.
ENTOTICentotic adj. Relating to the interior of the ear.
entotic adj. Relating to entosis.
ENTOTIC adj. pertaining to the ear's interior.
NONETTInonetti n. Plural of nonetto.
NONETTO n. (Italian) a musical piece for nine players, also NONET, NONETTE.
PENTITOpentito n. A criminal who cooperates with police or government authorities and testifies against or provides harmful…
PENTITO n. (Italian) in Italy, a Mafia criminal who has become a police informer.
SNOTTIEsnottie n. Alternative form of snotty (“type of jellyfish”).
snottie n. Alternative form of snotty (“midshipman”).
SNOTTIE n. (slang) a midshipman, also SNOTTY.
TENTIGOtentigo n. (Archaic) Penile erection or tumescence; especially, pathological erection (priapism).
TENTIGO n. (Latin) morbid lasciviousness.
TONETICtonetic adj. Having to do with intonation.
tonetic adj. Having to do with linguistic tones or tonal languages.
tonetic adj. (Linguistics) Relating to tones described in a phonetic, rather than phonemic, way.
TONIESTtoniest adj. Superlative form of tony: most tony.
TONY adj. high-toned, also TONEY.
TONITESto-nites n. Plural of to-nite.
TONITE n. a blasting explosive.
TONTINEtontine n. (Finance, insurance) A form of investment in which, on the death of an investor, his share is divided…
TONTINE n. a form of collective life insurance.
TOTIENTtotient n. (Mathematics) The number of positive integers not greater than a specified integer that are relatively prime to it.
TOTIENT n. the number of totitives of a number, i.e. numbers less than and prime to it.
TRITONEtritone n. (Music) An interval of three whole tones.
tritone n. A picture printed in three shades.
tritone adj. Having three tones.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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