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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, I, 2N, R and S

DINNERSdinners n. Plural of dinner.
dinners v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dinner.
DINNER v. to dine.
ENDRINSENDRIN n. an insecticide.
ENRINGSenrings v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enring.
ENRING v. to encircle.
FINNERSfinners n. Plural of finner.
FINNER n. a finback whale, also FINBACK, FINFISH.
GINNERSginners n. Plural of ginner.
GINNER n. one that gins cotton.
INSANERinsaner adj. Comparative form of insane: more insane.
INSANE adj. mentally unsound.
INSNAREinsnare v. Alternative spelling of ensnare.
INSNARE v. to trap, also ENSNARE.
INTERNSinterns n. Plural of intern.
INTERN v. to confine during a war.
NERINESnerines n. Plural of nerine.
NERINE n. (Latin) a S. African plant related to the amaryllis.
PINNERSpinners n. Plural of pinner.
PINNER n. one who impounds cattle, also PINDER.
RENNINSrennins n. Plural of rennin.
RENNIN n. an enzyme found in gastric juice, which causes coagulation of milk, also RENNASE.
RONNIESRONNIE n. (slang) Dublin slang for a moustache.
SINNERSsinners n. Plural of sinner.
Sinners prop.n. Plural of Sinner.
SINNER v. to transgress, to act as a sinner.
SKINNERskinner n. Someone who skins animals.
skinner n. A hunting knife used for skinning animals.
skinner n. One who deals in skins, pelts, or hides.
SPINNERspinner n. Agent noun of spin; someone or something who spins.
spinner n. A conical cover at the center of some aircraft propellers.
spinner n. A device that is spun in games to choose a number or symbol.
SUNNIERsunnier adj. Comparative form of sunny: more sunny.
SUNNY adj. full of sun.
TINNERStinners n. Plural of tinner.
Tinners prop.n. Plural of Tinner.
TINNER n. a tin miner.
UNREINSunreins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unrein.
Unreins prop.n. Plural of Unrein.
UNREIN v. to give rein to.
UNRISENunrisen adj. Not risen.
UNRISEN adj. not risen.
WINNERSwinners n. Plural of winner.
WINNER n. one that wins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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