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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, I, L, P, R and T

PERLITEperlite n. (Mineralogy) An amorphous volcanic glass formed by the hydration of obsidian.
perlite n. The lightweight insulating material and aggregate resulting from expanding perlite glass by heat.
PERLITE n. a kind of volcanic glass.
PHILTERphilter n. A kind of potion, charm, or drug; especially a love potion intended to make the drinker fall in love with the giver.
philter v. To impregnate or mix with a love potion.
philter v. To charm to love; to excite to love or sexual desire by a potion.
PHILTREphiltre n. Alternative spelling of philter (“kind of potion”).
philtre v. Alternative spelling of philter.
PHILTRE v. to put under the spell of a love potion, also PHILTER.
PLAITERplaiter n. One who plaits.
plaiter n. A machine that plaits.
PLAITER n. one who plaits.
PLATIERplatier adj. Comparative form of platy: more platy.
PLATY adj. split into thin, flat pieces.
POITRELpoitrel n. (Historical) A piece of armor for a horse’s chest; the breastplate of a horse’s armour or harness.
POITREL n. a piece of armour for the breast of a horse, also PEYTRAL, PEYTREL.
POLITERpoliter adj. Comparative form of polite: more polite.
POLITE adj. showing consideration for others.
REPTILEreptile n. A cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia; an amniote that is neither a synapsid nor a bird.
reptile n. (Figuratively) A mean or grovelling person.
reptile adj. Creeping; moving on the belly, or by means of small and short legs.
RESPLITresplit v. To split again.
RESPLIT v. to split again.
RIPPLETripplet n. A small ripple.
RIPPLET n. a small ripple.
SPIRTLEspirtle n. Alternative spelling of spurtle.
spirtle v. Archaic spelling of spurtle.
SPIRTLE n. a wooden stick for stirring porridge, also SPURTLE.
TIPPLERtippler n. (Archaic, Webster 1913) A seller of alcoholic liquors; keeper of a tippling-house.
tippler n. A habitual drinker; a bibber.
tippler n. A breed of domestic pigeon bred to participate in endurance competitions.
TRIPLEDtripled v. Simple past tense and past participle of triple.
TRIPLE v. to make three times as great.
TRIPLEStriples n. Plural of triple.
triples n. (Campanology) bell changes rung on seven bells.
triples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of triple.
TRIPLETtriplet n. A set of three, particularly.
triplet n. One of a group of three, particularly.
TRIPLET n. a group of three of one kind.
TRIPLEXtriplex adj. Having three parts; triple or threefold.
triplex n. A building with three apartments or divisions.
triplex n. A dwelling unit with three floors.
TRIPPLEtripple adj. Misspelling of triple.
tripple n. Misspelling of triple.
tripple v. Misspelling of triple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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