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There are 18 seven-letter words containing E, I, L, M, N and S

EMULSINemulsin n. (Dated, biochemistry) A mixture of enzymes, extracted from bitter almonds, once used to hydrolyze glucosides.
EMULSIN n. the white milky pulp or extract of bitter almonds.
ISLEMANisleman n. A man who inhabits an island.
ISLEMAN n. an islander, also ISLESMAN.
ISLEMENislemen n. Plural of isleman.
ISLEMAN n. an islander, also ISLESMAN.
LIMNERSlimners n. Plural of limner.
LIMNER n. a painter of portraits.
LOMEINSlomeins n. Plural of lomein.
LOMEIN n. (Chinese) a Chinese dish of noodles, meat and vegetables.
LUMINESlumines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lumine.
LUMINE v. (obsolete) to illumine.
MALINESMalines prop.n. Synonym of Mechelen (city in Belgium).
Malines n. Mechelen (kind of lace).
MALINE n. (French) a delicate net used for veils.
MENIALSmenials n. Plural of menial.
MENIAL n. a domestic servant.
MERLINSmerlins n. Plural of merlin.
MERLIN n. a species of small falcon.
MILDENSmildens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of milden.
MILDEN v. to make mild, or milder.
MILNEBSMILNEB n. a fungicide.
MINGLESmingles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mingle.
Mingles prop.n. Plural of Mingle.
MINGLE v. to mix together.
MOLINESmolines n. Plural of moline.
Molines prop.n. Plural of Moline.
MOLINE n. a cross with two outward curving branches.
MYELINSmyelins n. Plural of myelin.
MYELIN n. the fatty substance forming the medullary sheath of nerve-fibres, also MYELINE.
PLENISMplenism n. The belief that all space is full of matter.
PLENISM n. the doctrine that space is fully occupied by matter.
SEMINALseminal adj. Of or relating to seed or semen.
seminal adj. Creative or having the power to originate.
seminal adj. Highly influential, especially in some original way, and providing a basis for future development or research.
SIMNELSsimnels n. Plural of simnel.
SIMNEL n. a fruitcake covered with almond paste, made at Easter and Christmas.
UNLIMESunlimes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unlime.
UNLIME v. to free from lime.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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