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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, I, 2L, N and S

AINSELLAINSELL n. one's own self, also NAINSELL.
ILLNESSillness n. (Countable) An instance of a disease or poor health.
illness n. (Uncountable) A state of bad health or disease.
ILLNESS n. sickness.
INSHELLinshell v. (Literary, rare) To enclose in a shell.
inshell adj. (Agriculture, fishery) (of nuts, eggs, shellfish) Not removed from the shell.
inshell n. (Agriculture, fishery) A product (nut, shellfish) that has not been removed from its shell.
LEGLINSLEGLIN n. (Scots) a milking pail, also LEGLAN, LEGLEN.
LENTILSlentils n. Plural of lentil.
LENTIL n. a leguminous annual plant common near the Mediterranean; its small, flattish, round seed, orange or brown, used for food.
LINGELSlingels n. Plural of lingel.
LINGEL n. a shoemaker's waxed thread, also LINGLE.
LINGLESlingles n. Plural of lingle.
Lingles prop.n. Plural of Lingle.
LINGLE n. a shoemaker's waxed thread, also LINGEL.
LINTELSlintels n. Plural of lintel.
LINTEL n. a horizontal supporting beam, also LINTOL.
LIONELSlionels n. Plural of lionel.
LIONEL n. a small lion used as a bearing in heraldry, also LIONCEL, LIONCELLE.
NELLIESnellies n. Plural of nelly.
NELLY n. an effeminate male, also NELLIE.
NIELLOSniellos n. Plural of niello.
NIELLO v. to decorate with a black metallic substance.
SELLINGselling n. Action of the verb to sell.
selling n. Skill at salesmanship.
selling v. Present participle of sell.
TELLINStellins n. Plural of tellin.
TELLIN n. a kind of bivalve mollusc, also TELLEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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