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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, 2I, M, R and S

CIMIERScimiers n. Plural of cimier.
CIMIER n. (French) the crest of a helmet; a removable heraldic device or favour of courtly love.
MERISISmerisis n. (Biology) Any form of growth; specifically, growth by increase in number of cells.
MERISIS n. (Greek) growth by cell division.
MILREISmilreis n. (Historical) A former currency of Portugal.
milreis n. (Historical) A former currency of Brazil.
MILREIS n. (Portuguese) a former Portuguese coin superseded by the escudo.
MIMSIERmimsier adj. Comparative form of mimsy: more mimsy.
MIMSY adj. prim, demure, prudish, also MIM, MIMSEY.
MIRIESTmiriest adj. (Rare) superlative form of miry: most miry.
MIRY adj. full of mire.
MISFIREmisfire n. An act of misfiring.
misfire v. (Firearms) To fail to discharge properly.
misfire v. (Of an engine) To fail to ignite in the proper sequence.
MISSIERMISSY adj. like a miss.
MISTIERmistier adj. Comparative form of misty: more misty.
MISTY adj. blurry.
PISMIREpismire n. (UK, Ireland, archaic) An ant.
PISMIRE n. an ant.
PRIMSIEPRIMSIE adj. (Scots) prim, demure.
RIMIESTrimiest adj. Superlative form of rimy: most rimy.
RIMY adj. covered with rime.
SLIMIERslimier adj. Comparative form of slimy: more slimy.
SLIMY adj. resembling slime.
SMILIERsmilier adj. Comparative form of smiley: more smiley.
SMILEY adj. given to smiling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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