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There are 11 seven-letter words containing E, H, O, R, S and U

CHOREUSchoreus n. (Prosody) A trochee.
choreus n. (Prosody) A tribrach.
CHOREUS n. (Greek) a trochee, also CHOREE.
CHOUSERchouser n. Agent noun of chouse: one who chouses.
CHOUSER n. a swindler.
HERBOUSherbous adj. Of or relating to herbs; herbaceous.
HERBOUS adj. abounding with herbs, also HERBOSE.
HOUSERShousers n. Plural of houser.
HOUSER n. one who organizes housing projects.
HOUSIERHOUSEY adj. typical of house music (disco mixes).
REHOUSErehouse v. (Transitive) To give a new house to; to relocate someone to a new house.
rehouse v. (Transitive) To store in a new location.
REHOUSE v. to establish in a new housing unit.
ROUCHESrouches n. Plural of rouche.
ROUCHE n. (French) a frill of lace or other material, also RUCHE.
SHOUTERshouter n. One who shouts.
shouter n. (Music) A singer with an expressive, loud vocal style seen as reminiscent of shouting.
shouter n. (Music) A song performed in this manner.
SOUTHERsouther adj. Comparative form of south: more south; southern.
souther n. A strong wind blowing from the south.
souther v. To move toward the south.
UNHORSEunhorse v. To forcibly remove from a horse.
unhorse v. (By extension) To disrupt or unseat; to remove from a position.
UNHORSE v. to cause to fall from a horse.
UPHROESuphroes n. Plural of uphroe.
UPHROE n. (Dutch) a block or long slat of wood, perforated for the passage of the crowfoot, or cords by which an awning is held up, also EUPHROE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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