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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing E, H, I, L, N and S

ELSHINSelshins n. Plural of elshin.
ELSHIN n. (Scots) an awl, also ELSIN.
ENGLISHenglish n. Spinning or rotary motion given to a ball around the vertical axis, as in billiards or bowling.
english n. (By extension, figurative) An unusual or unexpected interpretation of a text or idea, a spin, a nuance.
English adj. Of or pertaining to England.
INHALESinhales v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inhale.
inhales n. Plural of inhale.
INHALE v. to take into the lungs.
INSHELLinshell v. (Literary, rare) To enclose in a shell.
inshell adj. (Agriculture, fishery) (of nuts, eggs, shellfish) Not removed from the shell.
inshell n. (Agriculture, fishery) A product (nut, shellfish) that has not been removed from its shell.
LICHENSlichens n. Plural of lichen.
LICHEN v. to cover with lichen.
LINCHESlinches n. Plural of linch.
LINCH n. a terrace or ridge formed in prehistoric or medieval times by ploughing a hillside, also LINCHET, LYNCHET.
PLENISHplenish v. (Archaic, chiefly Scotland) To fill up, to stock or supply (something).
plenish v. (Chiefly Scotland) Specifically, to stock land or a house (with livestock or furniture).
PLENISH v. to fill up.
SHINGLEshingle n. A small, thin piece of building material, often with one end thicker than the other, for laying in overlapping…
shingle n. A rectangular piece of steel obtained by means of a shingling process involving hammering of puddled steel.
shingle n. A small signboard designating a professional office; this may be both a physical signboard or a metaphoric…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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