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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing E, G, N, R, T and U

GAUNTERgaunter adj. Comparative form of gaunt: more gaunt.
GAUNT adj. emaciated.
GRUNTEDgrunted v. Simple past tense and past participle of grunt.
GRUNT v. to utter a deep guttural sound.
GRUNTERgrunter n. One who grunts.
grunter n. Any of a group of fish of the family Terapontidae, which make a grunting sound when caught.
grunter n. (Slang) A pig.
GRUNTLEgruntle v. (Obsolete) To utter small, low grunts.
gruntle v. (Obsolete) To complain; to grumble.
gruntle n. A grunting sound.
GRUTTENGREET v. to address in a friendly and courteous way.
GUNTERSgunters n. Plural of gunter.
GUNTER n. a topmast arranged with metal bands so that it will readily slide up and down the lower mast.
GURNETSgurnets n. Plural of gurnet.
GURNET n. a marine fish with a large, bony-plated angular head, also GURNARD.
SURGENTsurgent adj. Surging; rising.
SURGENT adj. rising; swelling, as a flood.
TRUDGENtrudgen n. (Swimming) A swimming stroke in which the left and right hands are alternately raised out of the water…
trudgen v. (Swimming) To swim using this stroke.
Trudgen prop.n. A surname.
TRUEINGtrueing v. Present participle of true.
TRUE v. to make true.
TURGENTturgent adj. Rising into a tumour or a puffy state; tumid.
turgent adj. Bombastic; turgid; pompous.
TURGENT adj. (obsolete) turgid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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