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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, G, N, R, S and U

BUNGERSbungers n. Plural of bunger.
Bungers prop.n. Plural of Bunger.
BUNGER n. (Australian slang) a firecracker.
DUNGERSdungers n. Plural of dunger.
DUNGER n. (New Zealand) a dilapidated car or machine.
GERUNDSgerunds n. Plural of gerund.
GERUND n. a verbal form such as 'cooking' that functions as a noun.
GRUNGESGRUNGE n. dirt, grime.
GUNNERSgunners n. Plural of gunner.
Gunners prop.n. (Britain, informal) Arsenal football club.
GUNNER n. one that operates a gun.
GUNTERSgunters n. Plural of gunter.
GUNTER n. a topmast arranged with metal bands so that it will readily slide up and down the lower mast.
GURNETSgurnets n. Plural of gurnet.
GURNET n. a marine fish with a large, bony-plated angular head, also GURNARD.
GURNEYSgurneys n. Plural of gurney.
Gurneys prop.n. Plural of Gurney.
GURNEY n. a wheeled stretcher or cart used in a hospital etc.
HUNGERShungers n. Plural of hunger.
hungers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hunger.
HUNGER v. to crave.
LUNGERSlungers n. Plural of lunger.
Lungers prop.n. Plural of Lunger.
LUNGER n. one who lunges.
NUDGERSnudgers n. Plural of nudger.
NUDGER n. one who nudges.
RAUNGESraunges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of raunge.
RAUNGE v. (obsolete) to range.
REPUGNSrepugns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repugn.
REPUGN v. to fight against; to oppose.
REUSINGreusing v. Present participle of reuse.
reusing n. Reuse.
re-using v. Present participle of re-use.
RUEINGSRUEING n. repentance.
SIGNEURsigneur n. Obsolete spelling of seigneur.
SIGNEUR adj. (Shakespeare) senior.
SNUGGERsnugger n. (Medicine) A threaded plastic tube used to clamp blood vessels during surgery.
snugger n. A ring that fits tightly around a cable, rope or wire, holding it in place or preventing leakage around…
snugger n. Moveable brackets for keeping small items secure on a shelf.
SURGENTsurgent adj. Surging; rising.
SURGENT adj. rising; swelling, as a flood.
SURGEONsurgeon n. One who performs surgery; a doctor who performs operations on people or animals.
surgeon n. A surgeonfish.
Surgeon prop.n. A surname.
UNGEARSungears v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ungear.
UNGEAR v. to unharness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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