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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, G, 2I, N and R

BREIINGBREI v. (South African) to pronounce r sound at the back of the throat, also BREY.
DINGIERdingier adj. Comparative form of dingy: more dingy.
DINGY adj. grimy, also DINGEY.
GINNIERGINNY adj. affected with gin (a strong liquor).
GIRNIERGIRNIE adj. ill-tempered.
HEIRINGheiring v. Present participle of heir.
HEIR v. to inherit.
IGNITERigniter n. Any device that is used to ignite something, especially a fuel mixture, or a charge of explosive.
IGNITER n. someone who or something that ignites, e.g. an apparatus for firing an explosive or explosive mixture, also IGNITOR.
LEIRINGLEIR v. (Scots) to teach, also LEAR, LEARE, LERE.
LINGIERLINGY adj. covered with heaths.
MINGIERmingier adj. Comparative form of mingy: more mingy.
MINGY adj. mean and stingy.
REININGreining v. Present participle of rein.
Reining prop.n. A surname from German.
REIN v. to restrain.
REIVINGreiving v. Present participle of reive.
REIVING n. plundering.
RIEVINGrieving v. Present participle of rieve.
rieving n. Archaic form of reaving.
RIEVE v. to rob, plunder, also REAVE, REIVE.
TIERINGtiering v. Present participle of tier.
TIER v. to arrange in rows.
TIGRINEtigrine adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the tiger.
TIGRINE adj. like a tiger.
WEIRINGWEIR v. to wear.
WINGIERWINGY adj. having or resembling wings.
ZINGIERzingier adj. Comparative form of zingy: more zingy.
ZINGY adj. full of zest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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