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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 2E, I, M, N and T

CENTIMEcentime n. (Historical) A former subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the franc.
centime n. A coin having face value of one centime.
CENTIME n. (French) one hundredth of a franc.
DEMENTIDEMENTI n. (French) a contradiction, a denial; now esp. an official denial of a published statement.
EMETINEemetine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A white crystalline bitter alkaloid, chemical formula C29H40N2O4, extracted…
EMETINE n. an alkaloid which causes vomiting, also EMETIN.
EMETINSEMETIN n. an alkaloid which causes vomiting, also EMETINE.
EMINENTeminent adj. Noteworthy, remarkable, great.
eminent adj. (Of a person) Distinguished, important, noteworthy.
eminent adj. (Archaic) High, lofty.
ETAMINEetamine n. A soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh.
ETAMINE n. (French) a loosely woven open-mesh cotton or worsted fabric, also ETAMIN.
MATINEEmatinee n. A showing of a movie, sporting event, or theatrical performance in the morning or afternoon.
matinee n. (Dated) A woman’s dress to be worn in the morning or before dinner.
matinee v. (Transitive, intransitive) To put on a matinee performance (of).
MEETINGmeeting n. (Gerund, uncountable) The act of persons or things that meet.
meeting n. A gathering of persons for a purpose; an assembly.
meeting n. (Collective) The people at such a gathering.
MINETTEminette n. (Dated) The smallest of regular sizes of portrait photographs.
minette n. (Mineralogy) A mineral deposit consisting of iron ore of sedimentary origin, found in the south of Luxembourg…
MINETTE n. (French) the smallest of regular sizes of portrait photographs.
ONETIMEonetime adj. Alternative form of one-time (“former; past”).
onetime adj. Alternative form of one-time (“occurring once”).
one-time adj. Of or pertaining to a specific time in the past.
TEEMINGteeming v. Present participle of teem.
teeming adj. Abundantly filled with especially living things.
teeming adj. Referring to large quantities of rain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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